Please, Please, PLEASE, let me transfer one or both of my characters from PVP Crusader Strike to PVE Wild Growth. I love SOD and quit playing at 60 because I made a mistake and played on Crusader Strike. Please. I do not see a reason why this effects balance.
If I stay on CS, i’m not playing. If I transfer to WG, I’m playing on a server where faction balance doesn’t matter. This seems like an easy no brainer. Please.
You rolled on a griefing server. Make better choices next time bud. Remember this feeling next Thursday.
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I admitted my mistake. I’ll never make it again. I’m sort of wondering what the reasoning behind not allowing these transfers. They did at one point allow it but I missed it at the time.
I’d be surprised if they offered any sort of transfers; there are loads of players in your same situation. If a large chunk of the playerbase were to just transfer off, it would hurt the server lol
Just reroll little bro. I rerolled to WG and left 3 max level horde toons behind.
Havent even played 3 weeks and i have 2 60s. Leveling is insanely fast