Please kill the ret wheelchair

Imo it was tbc and wrath version 9f ret was the best. No combo points.


That’s just your perception of them, many other depictions show them as mounted cavalry, and cavalry are a very mobile unit.

No they’re not, the only race that could be considered remotely faster are the Eldar and even then.


No, that is the traditional Paladin thematic imagery, and more importantly, the one that Blizzard also sees.

And horse back Paladins are still covered head to toe in armor. Great at charging, but not so much at turning.

Wrath ret was basically a dh who mashes any button with low mobility and a dispel. Personally I do like holy power and tbh, they’re not doing a masive overhaul of any spec so there’s no point talking about this.

As I said this is mostly a pvp request, pve is always easy to deal with but saying “hurr teamwork” to be able to play your character is just… not very smart, to put it nicely :3.

Also, saying “class fantasy” is a good argument for atrotious gameplay sounds like something a mobile game dev would agree with.


Well maybe you have that fantasy, but gameplay wise, sucks real bad to be kited for days for all the caster classes, its ridiculous.


Like I said, that is the traditional fantasy. I like imagery of it, but I didn’t say that I like the gameplay of it.

The holy power system had always been a bad system. I disliked it since it’s inception. We are not rogues, nor should we feel like rogues in gameplay.


Problem is you shouldn’t need all that haste to make it not feel bad


Yeah Wrath Ret was king.


Everytime someone uses this argument, a kitten dies.
We are not similar to rogues, not in the slightest. We don’t use energy. We cannot use our abilities with 1 to 5 holy power (granted that Inq is the exception from the rule here). It’s like saying runic power is the same as rage so deathknights are a warrior rip-off. That’s just nonsense.

If we returned to just cooldown-based abilities, would we be enhancement shamans?


When the reception of dk’s came out, and even now, yes runic power is a RIP off of rage.

Actually being back on CD’s would bring ret back to wrath ret and that is a better iteration of ret. And yes it is combo points.

Kittens die? Good cats is the most vile evil creatures of this planet aside from humans.

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Whatever floats your boat.

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Agreed. This argument about combo points actually dilutes our feedback That we need more fluidity and makes us sound silly

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“Combo point” or holy power talk here is irrelevant, I’m pretty sure this thread is about mobility.


nothign the post title its about the “wheelchair effect” we have

That’s what happened pretty much in MoP, which was the second peak for ret. Wrath being the first. After MoP its been a slow and painful decline to mediocrity.


Hello would you like to talk to Enhancement Shamans. They are getting a overhaul. And you might like holy power there are a lot of us that do not.

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You may not have realized, but Enhancement Shamans new resource isn’t that much different to holy power. Other than its proc based.

Its actually unbelievable that they keeping ret exacly how it is (nd worse) on SL.

I mean who would ever think its ok? Even ppl that doesnt even play or care for ret see its just bad. How wouldnt blizz realize it? Makes me wonder they just want it to be bad anyways


In PvP mobility can be replaced with control (see DK) but ret has neither. They have the worst snare in the game. At the very least they should have access to the prot PvP talent steed of glory. Combine that with unbound freedom and law and order, you’ll be pretty sticky.