Please kill off Tyrande

Fair enough :slight_smile:

I’d rather see Malfurion die tbh.

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I personally have no feelings about Tyrande. I wouldn’t care if she lived or died.

However, a lot of people sincerely love her, and I don’t see the point in upsetting a massive number of the playerbase, so, shrugs.

Not going to happen

She really has that big of a fan base?

I know that a lot of the Alliance do like her.

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The only alliance people I know are varian who I wasn’t a fan of, his son who I dislike even more, Jaina who’s turned basically into Madonna, and Tyrion. Oh and Malfurion the tree man.

I like the new Tyrande a bit. She is less malfurium muh luv and more “We need to take back our land”. I respect that.

She was an as***** not caring about Sira during the Darkshore quest tho. I hope Maiev fix that, she also changed for good.


/10 char

They don’t bathe. They’re hippies.

Self grooming has its perks.

She and Malf are some of the last core heroes from WC3. Even Horde players have an attachment because of the history of her.

They use the Moonwells :wink:

Well I know about her in Warcraft I just didn’t think there would be a massive fan base as a result. I’m obviously wrong here.

Well to a lot of folks she was tainted in Legion during a certain questchain. So folks wanting her dead isn’t really a surprise. Same with wanting Sylvanas dead.

That or people just want others dead.

The very thought :scream:

The OP is pretty on point with that. Although he is a rabbit.


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How about instead of all of us fighting we toss all the leaders into a pit and let them fight. Seriously why can’t we sit back on the beach and let those lazy peons do the heavy lifting and battles for once.

Or is that not allowed?

Its always so weird to me that people think about the story that way. A character dying doesn’t inherently make it not great stuff for the night elves.

But I agree that people in the community do seem to think that way, so I too doubt they will have her die.