But it’s true. Does Tetris have lore behind it?
Don’t tell me there’s actually lore behind it…
This is kind of funny because I’m like 99% that they did indeed start adding lore with their spinoffs.
But I get your point
Wait, do you know much about Kul’tiran druids?
If Tyrande dies I must strike the killing blow.
I will accept nothing else.
I guess Tyrande will be the new Sylvanas. Great. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. I foresee a future mass spam of how everybody hates Tyrande in the not so distant future.
I just like the way they look.
Do you read the quest text?
Sylvanas first.
Not anymore. I did during wrath.
Aww, this is sad D:
It’s not like I’m missing out. Haha
Right after the time thing I WoD I stopped caring.
Agreed. (Though canonically my character wouldn’t even have been around for the recent horde civil war…doh, the woes of being a brand new race.)
Well you do you boo. I can’t play games without getting into their story personally
Strictly speaking, we could make a passable throw rug.
What? I refuse to accept limits!
You didn’t have to do this but thanks.
I just like to play as the character, sure some things that pop out and I think yea that’s cool, but I’m not going to go out of my way to research every aspect of the lore as a result.
King Mechagon would approve.
Well, I thought it’d help explain your race-- which isn’t exactly human but are called kul’tiran and are technically drust.