Please keep Wrath Servers

Either you’re lying or you haven’t paid any attention to what’s going on in these forums. Almost no one necro’s threads. It’s an extremely rare occurrence. By far the overwhelming majority never do it.

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Either way. In my opinion, necroing a thread is a pretty mild and petty crime to get all crazy over. Like there isn’t any real need to call the police on it.

Alot of people just find it annoying. Like so. I find it annoying that I am not getting permanent wrath classic. So I am posting my perspectives on it in as many areas as I can.

Like I find it extremely annoying that blizzard refuses to make permanent wrath classic server.

It’s always been about money what do you mean, what company would willingly put out a product that would make them lose money.

Not many people will buy the token in WotLK Era as there’s simply no real need to buy it.

Like 80% of your post is fluff, you need to stop going on tangents, you’re typing so much but saying so little.

If you agree that you’re in an echo-chamber then both hear and consider opposing views to get out of one.

This is you wanting to remain in an echo-chamber, this is what it looks like.

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Nah. It’s just me getting tired of arguing with you. There really is no point when you and I don’t agree on anything. So what is the point of continuing to talk or entertain any ideas that you and I may have. There isn’t. Simple as that.

“There’s nothing left to discuss. Now here’s a 19 paragraph post on why there’s nothing left to talk about.”

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That’s a ridiculous thing to say. Nothing in the tos for this forum is against the law. If you break the tos and are suspended no one could call the police about any of it.

You keep talking about morality and right and wrong. How do you justify it morally? What moral standard do you use to justify annoying people? When you say it’s not “right” for blizzard to refuse to have wrath era what is the moral reasoning? What standard do you use to say that companies are not right when they decide to not provide a product you want? Is every company morally wrong is they don’t provide a product at a loss to those who want it?

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The problem with a wrath only server would be that it would die a fast horrible death. Look how dead the actual classic server is. I play on a pretty popular server, and even with the mergers its not anywhere near the players that it had even 2 months ago. Most people are reluctantly raid logging or taking a break until cata content because beating ICC for like 30 weeks straight got old 15 weeks ago.

A wrath exclusive server would be a resource sink at most. As much as i love wrath, its time to move on.

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Well, for one thing. I think that the people saying that permanent wrath classic would be sold at a loss is a bit of an exaggeration. I personally don’t think it will be a loss in all honesty. It depends on how they do it.

I mean, you have wow tokens for wrath classic. And the people who play it will no doubt purchase. Now it won’t be instant money. But it will be money that will build in the long run to an eventual profit. As well as boosts and the cost of cloning toons also. And whatever else they could possibly sell.

I just don’t fully agree that permanent wrath classic will be sold at a loss. I am not 100 percent convinced that permanent wrath classic will fail.

Most wrath classic players left when blizz stated that they don’t have plans for wrath classic currently. It kind of frustrates me actually. There was a large post on that right after blizzcon, and I don’t know where that forum post went. But it had alot of posts in fact. Way more than any of the ones posted recently.

At the same time, I don’t think that the 750 sigs is a full accurate representation of the permanent wrath classic community either. I think alot of people are just mad at blizzard. And they have every right to be. Maybe alot more people would show up if they announced they were doing permanent wrath classic. I don’t know.

Now, I can’t say if it will succeed or not. I am just not going to assume it will fail. And I am not fully convinced it would fail either. But I mean, if blizzard wants all of us on private wrath servers. I guess I am not opposed to that either.

From my research, it seems like mankrik and whitemane are the 2 most popular vanilla era servers atm. With 2-4 k players each. But it’s an old reference from 2023. Ok and also from research, season of master vanilla came out for vanilla in 2021 november.

I am honestly curious. I might just make a character on mankrik or whatever to test that. But it seems like those are the best vanilla era servers to join atm. Btw I got the info from warcrafttavern.

I mean, blizzard should have just funneled all those players to either mankrik or whitemane to begin with. I might create a toon just to see what the player count is like. Makes zero sense to me why they kept all the servers up.

But the same thing with wrath. Make like 2 servers. And funnel all the clones over to them. Also, I don’t think that 750 sigs is 100 percent accurate of everyone who would play permanent wrath either. But that is just me. I have no hard research on that.

But to put it in perspective. There are what like 6 million cata classic players or something like that. Compared to like 2 k vanilla era server players. But they make it work.

And 2 k is alot. Just not compared to 6 million. I do think there are more than 750 permanent wrath classic players though.

And wrath private servers have tons of people to on warmane.
I think blizzard could make money. They just have to do it right.

And me, I don’t think it’s time to move on. Cata isn’t really classic. It’s nostagic and I do want to play it. But I don’t agree with doing 2010 all over again. And I don’t think it would die as quickly as everyone says it will.

Also, It will gain in popularity after people got bored of cata. Cata was very hit and miss in my op. So people will probably revive it after a while once some of the fun stuff in other areas die off a bit. Because I remember vanilla era being dead on every server right after bc classic hit. But now there seems to be a couple servers that have at least a couple thousand players each. Which is enough to work with.

You’re not providing any point other than “I want WotLK Era servers”. You need to use your words as to why you want it other than I want it.

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No one here has ever given even a hypothetical cost benefit analysis. That leads me to believe no one here is working as a gamer dev. So I don’t believe you have a clue how many subs it would take to have a single wrath era server. And if North America gets one blizzard would have to have both a pvp and pve for each region.

What you never consider is that the profit from a server is not just the number of players. It’s how many subs will be lost if there is no wrath era servers. Almost every one who has requested wrath era have said they will play a different game. Some say retail, some say SoD, etc. If any of the players on a wrath era server are playing another version of wow they aren’t wrath subs.

All that means is you don’t understand the term classic. I don’t like the Mona Lisa. That doesn’t mean it’s not a classic work of art. I’m free to express my subjective opinion about the beauty of the Mona Lisa but if I said it wasn’t a classic work of art everyone would look at me like I’m an idiot.

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Ok. I want it, because I found wrath classic fun. And it was the best time I ever had in wow back in 2008-2010. And I had a blast the second time from 2022 -2023 and the fun ended when I found out they were deleting wrath classic in 2024. And I kind of want to experience that fun forever until I am dead. And I don’t want to see blizzard delete wrath of the lich king a second time as it’s just a repeat of 2010 all over again and initially what started the call for classic era servers in the first place.

Okay thank you saying why you want WotLK Era servers.

It’s unfortunate that they’re not going to be keeping WotLK servers but I’m sure later down the line they’ll release something.

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I hope they don’t. I used to be neultral but people like Mktaar and Abombshield has made me hope the never ever get what they ask for.

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Well, I hope we lose cata classic to. If that is the attitude we are going to be having. Then cata classic players shouldn’t get anything either.

That’s the attitude you and others have driven many of us to. You’ve provoked and pissed off so many people that you get back what you put out. Every word you post here makes us dislike you more and more.

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I mean, you all are peeved off at me. I honestly don’t give a rip anymore. I am just as peeved about permanent wrath classic, not happening. Like it matters to me that you folks are peeved at me.

And at the bottom line. I will continue to complain until I get my way. Everyone can continue, getting mad. It’s fine.

No you won’t but if you did it would show blizzard that they made the right decision to not have wrath era servers. To post here you must have a sub and if you’re still subbed you didn’t want a wrath era enough to unsub. That’s a win for blizzard.


Ah, just like the entitled child you clearly are.

They have already warned that we will have character migration a week before May 20, the problem is how it happened in Vanilla classic.

Will there be people who continue in the expansion?