PLEASE keep Moon Guard phased for xpac launch

Hey there, sorry Nonoa, but I’d like to make an out of character for a moon guardian plea.

Please for the week or so of xpac launch PLEASE keep at least legion dal (not all of Northrend) phased as well as the Isle of Dorn as a whole. I hope the rest of the zones can go unaffected, but if remix is any indicator, Moon Guard will be an obscene nightmare to try to navigate the intro through.

Once again only requesting about a week and very select areas given I know many of my more rp inclined MG friends want it shard-less asap, I hope this strikes a reasonable balance.

No need to apologize. The anti-sharding mentality is sensible when it impacts a region that otherwise sees and benefits from RP on a RP realm. Launch time and the new continent affected by sharding is not one of them.

It makes sense for launch as there will not be (nearly) any RP occurring in the regions that will get phased with TWW. :+1:

Launch phasing is understandable to any RPer or player in general; unlike phasing in other situations that hinder RP that would have occurred otherwise.