Please keep a server up for wrath and tbc this time! fresh hype!

I love wow classic and i’ve been playing era and im excited for todays launch of classic fresh servers, i was so bummed out last time when I realized tbc and wrath weren’t gonna stick around. if we like spamming kel thuzad were gonna like illidan and arthas we promise


!!!W E N E E D P E R M A N E N T BC & WOTLK S E R V E R S!!!

Please Blizzard!


please blizz u offer this for vanilla player tbc and wotlk demand era too. the goal is to raid kel thuzad illidan and lich king all in 1 week every week


Once this fresh makes it to the end of TBC, I would love for perma-TBC servers to go up with free transfers while the main servers move into WOTLK. Then those WOTLK servers should just become the perma-WOTLK servers, then you start the rolling classic trilogy reset over and over, always with the choice at a new expac launch to transfer off to the permanent servers of the era that just finished.

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There just isn’t enough interest for Wrath and TBC

your wrong about that. tbc and wotlk have worked for private servers for over a decade. tbc and wotlk are when wow had the most subscribers for a reason


We’re not playing on private sides.

And yet, Classic was most popular when it was 1-60. Each subsequent Classic release only led to more subscriber loss.

wotlk had the most raid logs in classic too. im subscribed only for vanilla tbc and wotlk. having perma era servers for all three is exactly what we need for the actual classic players

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So you’re just making things up now?

go to ironforge pro lol vanilla peaked at 489k wrath peaked at 629k

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bumping for tbc and wotlk era