Please just remove mana or redesign it

Its clear that this resource is out of balance in the context of the current direction for SOD (insane boss health, 50% less dmg in pvp).

Ultimately this has impacted player fun and ingame wallets through the dependance on hundreds of mana potions.

Mana does not fit the bill in SOD.


SOD is temporarily out of service

Feel free to try Cataclysm classic on Tuesday in the meantime

:wink: :+1:


i got 99 problems but mana aint 1


Retail= Whack a mole infinite resources
Classic actually requires thinking and strategic planning

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strategy for thee, W key for meeeeeeee

The original point of mana limitations for caster class was they were suppose to 2 or 1 shot things; they were suppose to scare you if you are getting cast on. Then they are oom and screwed. casters are often the lesser dps class now with all the “balancing”. This makes a cruel irony to the fact that mana is also a limitation to being able to cast.

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horde have unlimited mana through shamanistic rage, and alliance have unlimited mana through seal of martyr, what exactly are you doing that’s making you run out of mana?

the players should have to decide a trade-off between sustainability and burst, white overarching considerations to threat and survivability.

glass cannon design is shallow.

with the current damage nerf most casters are suffering.
An egregious oversight by the always incompetent ‘dev team’

Mana being a resource that you have to manage and not just a legacy blue bar on your screen is part of why vanilla is massively superior to retail.

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You know what else doesn’t fit the bill in SoD? Health. Everyone should forever just be a spirit in the spirit world. Not able to do anything except run around aimlessly.

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Mana is only an issue in PvP because heals are too strong right now, it has to be in parity with the damage reduction. Try fighting someone that doesn’t receive heals at all, you won’t go oom. As for PvE, your raid has terrible dps if you think boss have too much HP, also you need a paladin/shaman…

Yall out here fiending for cata and im out here waiting on Mists