Please Increase the Availability of Black Lotus

Those are amateur numbers, son.

Why are you playing on a server that has 3-4 times the number of people the game was designed for?

There is a multiboxer that literally camps all of the spawn points. And another that camps the thorium spawn points. This game has become a whomever can buy the most accounts wins game.


I would like to see the prices come down so that mages/locks can feel like they’re contributing. 150 spell power is no joke and they need it to keep up with warrior DPS.


PvP problems have PvP solutions.

How do you make a multiboxer flag on a pve server?

Ask nicely.

The playerbase didn’t choose the server caps. That was a decision Blizzard made and had to use layering to fix when the game launched.

I know your initial reaction will be something along the lines of, “Blizzard sucks and they’re too lazy/dumb to fix their 15 year old broken game” but maybe consider more perspectives than just your own.

Hardly my opinion but thanks for making it for me. I think this game is in a good state aside from the fact that people treat it like a job and squeeze all the fun out of it. One of the side effects of Blizzard choosing to quadruple server sizes is the crap spawn rates and it would be an “easy fix” from that perspective.


This doesn’t even make sense, never once on a pserver did black lotus prices get anywhere close to 200g each.

The issue here was created by a change already - layering, which allowed people to abuse it and stock up on tons of resources that once it was shut off became insanely rare and camped by bots or mafias using discord to coordinate cross-faction collusion (both of which blizzard seems be doing nothing about). If one of the pillars of classic was really as Ian put it to preserve the vanilla experience they are failing terribly and should be making changes to achieve that goal. The goal that I think the majority of the player base wanted.


That’s all this guy does on this forum, no need to engage with him.

I have farmed a couple black lotuses by myself one on Skeram when it had gotten to be a 90/10 horde favored server and one on Benediction a balanced server. On both servers I just had to run around the zone for an hour and I got one. Blizzard doesn’t have to change anything you just have to be patient.

Anyone who doesn’t think current Black Lotus spawn rates are and will be a problem isn’t paying attention. Currently flasks are only used by parse chasers and people pushing speed clears, and demand already so far outstrips supply they’re at 200g on many servers and steadily climbing. Once we get to content that requires one or more flasks a week like AQ and Naxx it’s going to get ridiculous, there simply won’t be enough black lotus available.

I get the entire #nochanges crowd, but this is something that’s needed to address a change that already exists. In Vanilla far fewer players minmaxed this way, and more notably server sizes were significantly smaller. Old spawn rates just don’t match up with modern server populations and this is a painfully obvious change to make.


Server sizes aren’t quadrupled. Every day there’s a new person pulling out some random number about how much larger the servers are.


none of you are right.

Uhhhh…I will also be opting out of that trinket most likely, I don’t have time to farm lotus either. My point was you don’t NEED everything to even complete the content. Unless you are hung-up on getting the trinket purely for the sake of adding it to your collection…it’s pretty unnecessary.

Not to worry, they’re bringing layers back next week.

Even on low pop servers bots and lvl 1 ghosts are camping every lotus.

Using this article as my source of information.

h t t p s://

My server has 6,300 active players and your server has 912. On Saturday I was able to farm 3 black lotus.

If I can farm Black Lotus on a server that has six times the amount of players as your server. You truly have no excuse as to why you can’t farm a lotus.

Git gud.

One solution would be to make black lotus like anchor weed. It spawns in place of other herb nodes. It would make it impossible to camp.