Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

It’s coming. I feel it in my bones.


I hope not, it will just fracture the player base even more.

Less servers is best for the health of the game.

So you’re rolling PvE realm and flagging for PvP then right


Just commenting to bump this and say to Blizz that yes we really want an RPPvP server, Grobbulus was something special and the server type was a big part of that :smiley:


Since Emerald Dream, RPPVPers have gotten their servers through coming together and acting as a community. This is no different, and blizz will see that the demand is there.


Yes please!


So glad to see Redwood Tribes chiming in!



You don’t know what is best for the Health of the Game. This is something new that they are trying out, and RPPVP servers have been alive and well since 2005.

As a guild, has RPed on both Season of Mastery as well as the Hardcore servers as well as Season of Discovery when they first launched, with <Adventurer’s Guild> and respectively. New players do not know where RP is on servers such as this, so there is not a unifying presence. We had some success but died off without being on a proper RP server, which is why we need an RPPVP server. We have tried what you recommended, and what you recommend does NOT work.


I’m feeling it too my friend, got a sudden surge of confidence today. Cautious optimism but optimism none the less


This RP-PvP realm forum post is halfway thru 2023 for the combination of number of replies and likes.

Blizzard, hear our call and fulfil the RP-PvP prophecy as their always has been. We await.


I mean we’ve got to remember that Blizzard doesn’t care a lick about quality or player enjoyment. Their decision will be entirely based on whether they think having an RPPvP server will increase or decrease profit.

Fortunately, I think it probably will increase it.


It’s good to see people posting positively about it and with hope and not the negative threads you sometimes see with threats of quitting etc


I think their basing it off player retention.

I think this fresh will bleed players.

And too many servers has always been bad in literally every iteration of wow for 20 years.

He’s not going to “get it”, he’s just here to be a contrarian.

OMG you’re right. 3 servers would be wayyyy too many, it’s like tons of servers compared to 2!!! :scream:

Launch an RP-PvP server please Blizz, I’ll make you some “special” brownies if you do!


RP servers offer something truly unique that is not found elsewhere. It’s more playful and alive, glimmering with an essence of life that too many people lost between 2007 and 2019
It would be a great shame if this vibrant part of the community was shoehorned into a server without any RP elements to it

Please blizzard, RPPVP servers simply hit different


He may also have had his heart broken in RP by a beautiful Night Elf in the inn in Teldrassil. He has now turned to darkness and seeks to destroy RP at any cost.


This may be true, he mentioned his wife leaving him for another earlier. So sad…


Do people that want rppvp support no changes? I feel like there is an intersection here probably.


I think they’re a person who wants RP and is just being a troll because there’s little reason to linger around a thread for something you don’t like for this long. Or just trolling but this seems like a pretty mediocre place to get a rise out of people.

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Probably varies a ton, I personally like the changes they announced (even as someone planning on playing a druid, which seems to be where a lot of complaints are coming from)
The RP community is generally against layers though, since it can cause problems for large events.