Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

They would tho because there wouldn’t be a chance (logically) for the RPPVP server to need a second server due to queues. Blizzard said they will add severs based on queue demand. The only server where that is a potential is the PVP server. Thus, the streamers, using the same logic used for Crusader Strike in SoD, will use the RPPVP server to avoid splits and having to deal with figuring out which of two server to roll on off the bat when not knowing the names ahead of time. A streamer’s logistical nightmare.

The only way an RPPVP server is even possible is if Blizzard strictly enforces the ruleset. Which they won’t. So it’s not possible. You’re asking for an RPPVP server, but it’s not possible to make one during a lauch like this without Blizzard strickly enforcing it.

This would make it possible. But it sounds like they’re not willing to commit to making more than one of each server type atm. They SHOULD release two pvp servers and give us the names tho. That would enable an RPPVP server, yes.

Also, you have a very civil posting style and I commend you for it.

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