Please Incentivize RBG

Hello I have been RBGing at the top of the scene for 3 expansions now and one thing has remained the same. It’s dead. It took EU and Asia coming over here to the US region to actually get some queues.

What would fix this? Seasonal RBG title (X, Sinister Hero of the Alliance/Horde or Sinister Hero, X)!

I have been suggesting this so much that I reached out to the man Qwik himself, you know, the new WoW Director. The craziest part is he actually replied saying that it was a good idea and they would look into it but not a week later they took my idea and added it to M+!!! I wish I had the screenshot but unfortunately I signed out and lost the dm. What a slap in the face. If that doesn’t prove that Blizzard doesn’t care about PvP or RBG then I don’t know what will. So, I gave up.

But here I am again. I see many people recently begging and pleading for Blizzard to add more rewards to the RBG scene because it is just dead and we deserve to have better rewards than those that have been in the game since Vanilla or Cata.

Hell, the map pool hasn’t even changed since MoP! Of the 2 maps we have gotten, 1 is broken (Seething shore) and the other (Deepwind Gorge) is so bad AND no one asked for it. The old version of Deepwind was way better, the only argument is that it requires 2 Demon Hunter tanks per team… which is fair.

I see the argument of making the bracket 5v5 or 6v6 but I think that would do more harm than good. The maps are just not made for that low amount of players and I think it would defeat the purpose. I would be down for smaller sized maps that fit that player pool though, as a separate bracket. But first we have to address the problem that is low participation numbers and just the fact that its been the exact same 100 people in the top for a decade.

Sorry to say this as well but Solo Q RBG would ALSO be terrible. It would be the same as random bg + solo shuffle. The core aspect of RBG is communicating with your team and that is impossible to do in a Solo Q environment. Not only that but it would split the playerbase even more so. You can see how Solo Shuffle has turned out and what it has done to the 3v3 scene, please stop asking for this. People do not know what they want.

I fear that Blizzard stays away from RBG because of how degenerate the players here are. There are definitely some characters in the community that deserve a perma-ban but thats on Blizzard to deal with and it seems they just won’t. They let it rot and fester and if they just added more content/rewards then there would be more players and eventually the trash would clean itself up.

I would love for Blizzard to care and cultivate all forms of content in this game, it seems as though RBG is one of the last to receive any such nurturing. I want to see new blood, new competition. Seasonal RBG titles, a mount and new maps every once and awhile would be a great start. RBG specific balancing would also be nice, as everything is balanced for PvE or 3s. Eventually it could turn into an event to watch at Blizzcon. RBG is already way more viewable than AWC will ever be because its objective based, it’s easy to tell what is going on and I hope they can see what we all see and make this bracket live up to what it always could be.


Rated BGs could be a true content gold mine for WoW with very little dev cost for Blizz. I think something as small as hosting RBG tournaments would go a long way, similar to M+ tournis. RBGs are the most spectator-friendly content in WoW. Skilled PvP spectators could appreciate the micro (rogue v rogue at mines for example), while inexperienced spectators could still appreciate Alliance/Horde controls mines, or x team capped a flag.


I firmly believe RBG content is not catered to due to the amount of players it takes to get up and going. Group make-up can vary so wildly and can also lead to redundant class stacking for crazy, stupid damage.

For example, take the e-sports side of it. It’s very cumbersome to get 10 people on each side together let alone keep track of each class’s mechanics for the average audience member. Now take into account your shout-casters having to relay as much of that info as possible to the viewer. The scenario just warps into this crazy mess.

If blizz would simply reduce RBG teams down maybe six players, it drastically cut down on wait time. It would reduce the need to stack crazy class or specific specs for maps. Some maps require certains specs like Guardian/VDH or node maps where you need a rogue/boomy for the best defense.

So many factors go into the crazy unbalanced mess that is RBGs. You need to reduce team members, reduce the map pool/ streamline it down to a select few that maybe rotates seasonally. And then on some maps you need to create artificial boundaries maybe to reduce field of play and make it easier to keep track of.

I don’t envy their position in how to tackle the RBG scene at all. Map terrain, BG mechanics, team sizes, class mechanics (tank balance is HUGE), and player population. It’s all really a mess. And it’s a shame because BGs are what most players first come into contact with in large scale PVP. They really are a gold mine of opportunity for the WoW pvp scene.

I wish them all the luck in their decisions.

I can appreciate the thought put into this post. Titles, Mounts, Rewards, Transmogs… all of these things would have been great to have 4 or 5 years ago. There’s only one thing that the majority of the WoW player base wants now, and that’s convenience.

RBG currently isn’t convenient. RBG is similar to raiding. You can PuG it and find some success, otherwise, you need to find a community/guild that focuses on it, and schedule nights to have organized PvP.

What will make RBGs popular again would be an ilvl requirement, MMR, cross-faction BG queue. Make it so that you are able to solo queue or join with up to a group of 5. I can get 5 people together easily at nearly all times of the day. Throw in some groups of 2-5, or even 5 randos and fill in my team. The difference between a RBG queue and a random BG queue is the mentality. People will be joining a RBG queue to listen and play objectives, unlike in randoms where half the guys are AFK and the other half are testing out new builds.


Exactly this. If RBGs were more convienient I would play them all the time.


I’d never queue another SS or 2v2 again.


ur asking for a lot.

these guys havent given us a new BG in over 5 years.

they r either super bad and lazy at their jobs or they just hate us



People think they want a solo q rated bgs…but they don’t.

Ive been trying to get into RBgs alot more because i prefer them to arenas tbh . I really do wish there was more rewards tho ! there should be diff recolors per bracket ! like 1000 gets a blue tint , 1200 gets pink , 1300 gets purple , 1400 gets green , 1500 gets teal , 1600 gets red , 1700 gets orange , 1800 gets yellow , 1900 gets silver , 2000 gets pure gold . etc also include tabards , tmog crowns , flags , toys , tshirts , weapon set recolors , etc . And it doesnt just have to be for RBGs exclusively tho i would like it too . I just think ranked in general could use more rewards !


I think Blizzard is wary of giving more rewards to RBGs.

Considering how degenerate things got with all the cheating/exploiting/DDoSing/carrying, Blizzard is probably hesitant to give new rewards.

Hey, so I spoke to “People”

We’re all in agreement here. We want it.


Yep, we want it. I don’t even care if it’s not perfect, because having any form of it is better than what we currently have (which is nothing).

The only possible extremely tiny downside is that RBG queue would mostly kill the current RBG bracket (similar to how solo shuffle played a part in killing 2s/3s arena). But in the case of current RBGs, they are mostly dead anyways.

And as we all know, you cannot kill that which has no life.


RBG’s are a thing of the past, with less and less people queueing for it with every season. One must let go of the past to hold on to the future. Change to the core needs to happen for the RBG queue to survive.

…but casting multiple mythic raids to world first is still premier content?

seems like you are biased against RBGs.


Make solo queue RBG but it must be in the same brackets as normal RBG. None of this silly “two different rated modes” stuff. You play rated or you do not.

PvE is a great deal easier to follow. There’s a clear singular goal - kill the boss. There’s no “uh oh he just popped shadowblades, is the boss gonna survive the burst!?”. There’s no “are they going to ninja this base!?” moments. It’s easy for people to sit there and watch PvE without needing to multitask their brain paying attention to 20 different players all rotating CDs all while also paying attention to 5 different nodes being fought over. There’s simply so much more happening in any given RBG compared to pushing a raid boss.

There’s also a legitimate world first race happening for the new content. The first group to kill the boss and clear the raid. These players are going to be defining the meta comps and meta strats for clearing a boss that every other raid team afterward will be looking to adopt. Can’t get that same thing in PvP. World first RBG win was a long, loooong time ago. And any meta comp changes are often pretty evident simply looking at patch notes. There’s rarely any mystery to it.

That’s not to say that PvE/PvP is any more or less exciting to watch over the other. Rather that one is simply far easier for most people to digest.

You’re injecting bias here where no bias exists. I absolutely want RBGs to be much more popular than they are right now. You just can’t dispute the fact that RBG vs Raid casting is MUCH different from each other. So many other buffs to track and take notice. There are more intrinsic play by plays to let your audience know about as they happen.

PvE raid casting can be a LOT more relaxed than PvP. The pace of the game is much different. As Hercx has already said, its just easier to follow. There’s so much going on in pvp matches. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but RBG casting would take a LOT more effort and need more visibility for its viewers on what is happening.

But again, you shouldn’t inject bias where it doesn’t exist. You know what they say about assuming…

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Fair enough! :sweat_smile:

No you and Lottieshots are thinking that every spell needs to called out. RBG is more macro casting.

There’s no “are they going to ninja this base!?” moments.

Yeah figured someone with 1800 max achievement in RBG would say this lol.


Do you feel that they will ignore key base assaults?

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That what I thought you were saying?

Base assaults are a lot more dynamic that someone just running up to a base and clicking a flag in almost all cases outside of the opener. For example it could involve a rogue doing an unlikely 1v2 before back up arrives.