Please in the future give us a gdkp server

Wonder how long his forum suspension is

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bump /10char

Agree. Pugs are pretty tragic without gdkp. Gdkps held people accountable for their performance in the way of docks/bonuses.

Please, please let anniversary servers get their own ERA server, WITHOUT GDKP’s! Many people, if not the majority doesn’t want the gdkp’s/swipping plague, neither to go on into TBC.
I love vanilla, but gdkp’s just ruin it.
With gdkp’s, almost no one do the usual raid progress/farming, especially in non hardcore guilds, when there is a much more quicker way to obtain end game gear: “Path of least resistance”

Besides, gdkp’s success is only based on RMT, otherwise, almost no one wouldn’t care about it: “I’m just pretending that me/my guild are being justly rewarded, because we are way to good doing this raid

Join a guild, or make the effort to put a good PUG together.
GDKP’s = Mostly played by overgeared players, being paid with gold derived from RMT, otherwise they wouldn’t touch those raids anymore and you would be complemented with unskilled/half-baked players over and over, even with the prize in the end
 You know why?! Because, without RMT, those players would make almost the double in average, just by farming

GDKP runs are not contributing to the “gold buying” as much as people think they are - most people screaming about this have never participated in GDKP runs - all the people i know who used to GDKP did it as a gold farm, if your loot didnt drop this week you banked gold from the loot that did drop and that gold kinda just keeps circulating. Im not saying people dont buy gold but the gold market is booming strong as ever and it was not effected by the GDKP ban, we see that 100%. more content gets cleared with GDKP and more people get to do raids with GDKP - all that sweaty toxic parse culture does not exist in the GDKP and the people are so much more chill - taking the gold aspect out the run is more fun and far far far FAR less sweaty and opens content up to those who would otherwise never get to participate because they dont make wow a part time job, or full time job in some peoples case. GDKPs keep people playing


Gold buying is rampant in anniversary and gdkp is banned. It does nothing to RMT.


It’s hilarious people still think GDKPs facilitate more RMT after what we’ve seen on the Anniversary servers.


Of course it did, RMT would be a lot worse.
Anyway, the ban on gdkp’s main goal wasn’t to end RMT, but to prevent direct access to end game gear through RMT and to protect the pve social aspect of the game, mainly traditional guilds.

In some cases, players were just waiting at raids entrances, waiting to bid on gear. And this would probably be the norm in anniversary by now.

Gdkp’s servers, like ERA, are trash, where almost everyone RMT’s their way through end game content.

Indeed they are


All these low post number alts come out to defend their income. It’s so good.

You can see how much of a problem gdkps were just by how much these parasites defend it. Currently 3 threads up trying to gaslight us into believing gdkps should return.

It’s these same people that are currently ruining the economy and are looking at an easier way to launder their rmtd gold.

Currently the easiest way for them is to sell boosts, sell gold to the boost buyers who then trade that gold straight back to said gold sellers laundering it with boost buyers who don’t buy gold. This only nets them income from the 1-60 process though. They are wanting that endgame gold laundering system.

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bump /10char

reported /10


Bump /10char

Completely agree with OP.

People who just call GDKPers swipers are literally WoW Karens who complain and moan about how other people choose to raid.


I’d rather just roll 100 than pay you nerds thanks

Exactly. That’s why we aren’t trying to ban MS > OS loot rolling as a loot distribution system. But people want to ban GDKP lol

ppl who call me a thief are just karens who complain and moan about how i just pick up and walk out of the big chain business with whatever i want

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We already have gdkp friendly servers. Come join us on the fairbanks cluster.

I’m against GDKP, gold buying, boosting, whether paid for in gold, cash or w/e.
but i’d be ok with this, it wont affect the classic game style for me and those who prefer the original style and when you see someone with gear you know they EARNED it, etc etc.

anyway, not a rant against GDKP here so just saying, i’d be ok with it. You ‘guys’ get your huddle and server, do what you like.
And it doesnt affect ‘us’.

but under no circumstances go back to that on our server. its great i can join a guild as a super casual and participate in a raid, there are many guilds to choose from in fact.

there was not this same feel in wotlk and now cata. its all pay to win and elite and super sweat. lame

oops i made it into a anti-gdkp rant on accident. apologies.

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