Please improve the drop rate for the gathering profession skill up points

Right now if someone were to pick up a gathering profession, they’d be over 100 skill points behind and you’d think the catch up system would help there, but it doesn’t because they take so long to get that it can feel awful. Please improve the drop rate of them, or at least make them scale with how far behind you are where something like 50 behind is guaranteed per gathering event, 30-50 is like every 10, and so on and so forth.

While we’re at it can we lift the cap on Dragonflight KP drops? They’re obsolete in terms of progression but still something us OCD types want to finish.

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It would be nice if they could make the Dragon Shards of Knowledge warband bound in DF. I have some on alts who are already maxed.

The drop rate is actually pretty fantastic

FYI, there is already a catch-up mechanism for this. If you are behind in skill points you will continue to get roots or slabs from herbing or mining after you collect your basic weekly 10-points. The farther behind you are, the more frequently they drop.

Cant you be glad there IS a catch up? At all? You start 6 months into the exp… Cant it stand to reason that you are behind? Why should you graduate from newbie to veteran overnight while the others build there knowledge the slow way all along? How fair is that? Reverse that issue. You gather KPs for 6 months and you can finally get a stack of full null stones at each gathering sorties, then come Joe2weeks and he gets to that point in 2 hours??? Don’t you feel silly now? Feel abused just a little?

Am not unsympathetic mind you, I too got alts still sitting in Valdraken who’s WA tells me are hundreds on point behind now. When I get around to leveling them, Ill take it one tuesight phial at a time!


Either you got very lucky or I got very unlucky because I did an hour of mining and I got the normal weekly points and one catch up item when I was 100+ behind.

As for the other person I did not just start now, I have all my crafting professions rolling all within 10 points or so there mainly from forgetting to do the treasure/dirt points. I’m just trying to be sympathetic to people that might be starting now. We have a new patch coming around the corner, that might bring new players and they might just be intimidated by the gathering system and not engage with it. It’s also why I asked to speed up but not a guarantee to get all those points instantly, slowing it down to the normal level when still fairly far out is fine.

And frankly I wouldn’t care if someone could get the same benefit as me as I was able to enjoy the benefits of playing when the new person wasn’t playing and gathering.

I use truesight phials to time 30 minutes sessions of catch ups. Hour session is just masochistic. And please try not to rope in the returning/new players, they are very capable of voicing there grievances themselves.