Please, I'm on my knees begging you Blizz; Buff Reincarnation

its a 20% self rez with absolutely no buffer so if you go down in a sticky situation or you die on fire, you might as well get used to the floor POV.
Heres a link to a previous post I made outlining how weak Ankh is compared to other forms of battle/self revive

Now how would I recommend buffing Ankh? The most obvious choice to me would be to raise it to match the baseline of 60%. Its far, far to weak in its current form and really only good as a wipe recovery tool but with a 30 minute cooldown that is outshine by Soulstone through Warlocks and engineers battle rez, or even the night elf racial ability.

If the 60% is to powerful then raise it to 40% with an unmodified, free Astral Shift for 6 seconds that only gives 40% damage reduction regardless of talents taken. We had this as an ability in Shadowlands and it was so so nice knowing I wouldn’t instantly die, and considering how much unavoidable damage is in this expansion thats needed. The free Astral Shift would not trigger the cooldown on Astral Shift nor would it be blocked if Astral Shift is on cooldown already.

As it stands right now using Reincarnation, in almost any given situation, is punishing. “Oh but its a self revive! No other class has that!” Let me point to Warlocks Soulstone ability that they can use at any time on themselves before combat, it has a 15 minute duration, and returns the reciever to life with 60% hp. If I ankh and get hit by unavoidable damage, its gone and it costs my group time if in a keystone which is unfair.


I agree with the original poster.