PLEASE HELP. ZZ-01-47’s “Arc Emitter” Extra Action Button not going away

After doing the Chapter 4 campaign quests last night, the extra action button from ZZ-o1-47 to use its Arc Emitter is not going away.

I have tried resetting WoW and my computer multiple times. I also tried disabling all addons no luck.

I tried running Dawnbreaker and could not pick up the explosive barrels to throw at the last boss because the action extra bar is stuck on Arc Emitter.

I am unable to complete ANYTHING that involves an extra action bar because of this. Multiple players are experiencing this. Please help. (Note: It’s still stuck 16+ hours later)

Go to these coordinates in the ringing deep “/way #2214 58.53, 36.16”.

Its the entrance to a cave. Go inside the cave and walk around a bit, should make the extra action button disappear.

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Pasting a response here:

It should fix it if you try that.

Amazing! :grinning: