Please help me make my Healing Macro for all abilitys

Hi all! I want to create a healer macro to use the healing abilitys on my gaming mice.
The idea I’m thinking is the follow:

Modifier alt: cast on focus
mouseover ally: cast on mouseover
no mousover, nomod, target enemy: cast on self
no mousover, nomod, target ally: cast on ally (This line I would use the most after using target arena 1,2,3)

I would like to press a side button of the mouse and use on of the abilitys, so I would macro each ability this way and have all the healing set on the mouse.
Then if I jump to a dps spec I can also put the healing abilitys on the side of the mouse and it will also work cause it would always auto heal me unless I have the mouse over the ally’s party frame:

Thank you so much. I don’t know anything of macro making and starting this way would make my life a lot easier since I’ve never played healer before, so any kind of help is much appreciated.

How about this?

It’s slightly more complex than what you asked for, with the ability to cast on an enemy’s target. If you don’t want that feature simply remove the [@targettarget,help,nodead] portion of the macro.

Change @player to @focus in [mod:alt,@player] to make alt cast on your focus instead.

Hey! thankyou for answering me.
It works almost perfect but the last part is missing.
It does not cast on the ally target but on the mousover ally insted.
Is it possible to make that if I’m mouseover an ally and I have target on a different ally the macro casts on the target?
Thank you again!

That’s generally not the order you want to do it in. Usually you want mouseover to be the priority otherwise you’re locked into your current target if they’re friendly and it makes healing slower.

That said, if that’s what you want to do, flip the order of the [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] blocks.

Oh and you can hide your cursor by holding down your right mouse button anywhere on the screen that isn’t a UI element and it’ll skip the mouseover and go to target.

Ok. I’m gonna test both ways and see how I fell better.

That’s crazy I didn’t knew you could that either. I’m also using to see how I feel more comfortable.
This is all the help to start I need. Thanks for all your help man, have a nice day!

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No problem. I don’t arena much but you may also want to look at @party1 and @party2 healing macros, I hear they’re popular with the arena crowd.

Thanks for giving me options!