Please Have a Look at Blessing of Spellwarding Talent Node Switch Issue

Hello, there is a problem that changing from other specs (Holy or Retribution) to Protection will unlearn Blessing of Spellwarding (a skill from Protection talent tree).

The talent tree is not changed, but this skill is unlearned. Only change the talent node to the other one (Improved Ardent Defender) then go back to Blessing of Spellwarding again can solve this problem. (but this way is kind of annoying)

Apparently there is something wrong here! And I believe it has been wrong for about TWO YEARS. There have been so many posts on this issue, but it is still not fixed today!

New expansion is about to be released. Can we see this problem solved too? Thank you!

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I too have had this issue for a long time

two years indeed.

Prepatch and this still exists.