I feel like a broken record at this point, since what I am about to note has been asked for since Beta testing. I play less than usual (I am a new father) but I still enjoy coming to play when I can with friends in both pvp and pve.
Note my exp for pvp highest I ever gotten was duelist, and pve wise, keystone master a couple of times and heroic raid clears.
This post talks about all 3 specs, but focuses more on the general tree.
Some people like the fact that warrior has little utility for raid/mythic plus since it would require them to pick it every time. In a sense I agree with this, but also feel what warrior has baseline needs to be adjusted or at the very least more options given. I think raid utility is fine, it is more so mythic plus.
Ideas for this that were already talked about would be giving warrior a bloodlust shout. It makes sense from a lore POV since we are commanders inspiring the troops. (I mean look at the bfa cinematic when the horde flag is picked up for example of inspiration to troops) I think giving warrior a bloodlust shout baseline would be nice as it would give them slightly more utility as dps in mythic plus, and it gives prot warrior something unique other thanks do not have.
There were talks about bringing banner back to replace spear, though I am not a spear fan, I feel banner would just be way too strong to not ever pick. But I think I have a decent replacement.
There are other ideas for utility warrior could have imo with just talent adjustments.
More on that in the general tree.
General Tree
I think it is no surprise that warrior has the most throughput nodes with little utility options we can actually take. It makes sense from a lore perspective, we are just soldiers with swords. BUT that doesn’t mean things can’t be changed for the better.
The warrior tree imo is actually worse than it was previously in terms of pathing. This is very evident at the capstone area. Armored to the teeth will never not be chosen. It is a nice str increase. Yet, this sits above a capstone that a lot of player dislike, and some don’t take at all. This is a super easy solution that makes sense for all 3 capstones.
My suggestion is to have Armored to the Teeth moved above Avatar, as everyone will always pick avatar. Move Cruel Strikes, (A crit enhancement talent) above Spear since that capstone also increases crit. Then move Wild Strikes above Thunderous Roar.
After that, IMO Weapon Specialization should just be removed and made baseline. This talent is not interesting for any spec, as it is just 5% damage. But unlike other nodes, it doesn’t actually affect a particular skill or niche like ST or AOE, it is just a talent to have a talent. Make this baseline.
Endurance Training feels so out of place. Why is this a 2 point node and so far down in the tree? Just about every other class that gets a stam increase has it much higher in the tree, and for only 1 talent point. This imo, should move up in the tree. An easy spot for this is to have it Impending victory have two branching nodes below it, second wind, and Endurance training(Now a 1 point talent node)
Let’s start with avatar and its choice nodes below. Let’s be real, you are taking avatar every time. I am fine with that as most classes have something similar.
The choice nodes for the most part are also really great (from a prot and fury stand point.) They both have options for Avatar to grant another skill they already have access to. (Example Avatar giving shield wall for 4 seconds, while shield wall gives Avatar for 4 seconds, or the fury option of avatar giving reck, while reck gives avatar.)
Then there is the damage or ability choice (Avatar increasing Tclap damage and reduces the cd by 50%, fury has avatar casts odyn’s fury, and vice versa)
I make this point because arms feels out of place with the options it has.
Options for Arms is either Avatar gives 6 seconds of Recklessness (A skill arms normally doesn’t have) for 6 seconds, and the rage regen is at a reduced rate. Why is this? The other specs have a way to grant avatar to themselves from another ability, while avatar also gains the benefit of that said ability when casting.
My suggestion, Change Warlord’s torment. Make when casting avatar you also cast Csmash on your enemy that has a debuff that last for 4 seconds, casting Csmash (or Warbreaker) then casts Avatar for 4 seconds. This would keep it inline with how the other specs function.
There is the other option as well (the changed blademaster’s torment) which I personally think was such a bad change, but makes sense when you compare it to the proc version of Unstoppable force (the Tclap damage, and reduced cd). And would have synergy with a new capstone I suggest later on.
Thunderous Roar
I was never a big fan of this capstone, though I do like it over spear. Not sure how I feel about the change to Thunderous words. That being said, I think it is fine as is overall, but boring.
Hot take maybe, but I think spear should be a pvp talent. I know it is taken for some utility in mythic plus, and some raid specs, but it is just clunky, and doesn’t really feel good to use. My suggestion here is to replace this something new. OR if you want to keep it, make it a 100% utility node, no damage attached that is further up in the tree and have this as a 1 point node only. (maybe replace two handed weapon specialization)
Ideas on what those new capstone to replace spear
It was mentioned before that the pvp talent Battlefield Commander become a capstone. I like this idea, though it also would be mandatory majority of the time. Having it replace spear with no other modifier to it I think would be okay. But would rather have it maybe somewhere higher in the tree perhaps and something more damage oriented here to fit the theme of all 3 capstones being damage based.
I think having this talent under Concussive blows (same row as Current Endurance training) and allow it to connect to the spear replacement or avatar would be a fine spot.
On the other side, (below side arm to connect to either roar or avatar) What if took another pvp talent and made it baseline, Safeguard, Intervene has 2 charges and reduced ally’s damage by 20% for 5 seconds.
Option to replace spear:
Updated version of Deadly Calm. I always thought this talent had potential, but never really shined.
1.5min cd, For the next 10 seconds, all rage costing abilities now have their rage cost reduced by 50% (for arms specifically also reduced the cd of MS by 2 seconds maybe? Not sure)
Cap stones to follow, CD reduction. Other capstone, during deadly calm, all single target abilities also apply a bleed for X% of the damage done for 10 seconds, bleed cannot be refreshed, but can have damage increased up to X percent.
Improvement on existing talents
Assuming some of the throughput nodes are made baseline (or at the very least 2 point talents made into 1 points)
Spell Reflection imo should have a node after that is a choice node. Improved Spell Reflect. Now reflects 2 spells cast on you, CD increased to 30 seconds. Or Other option Spell Deflect No longer reflects spells, instead gives a 40% damage reduction to magic casts at you for 4 seconds. CD increased to 40 seconds.
Rallying Cry
It 100% needs to have an additional affect when in group content only. (like making it a 25% health increase instead).
Thunder Clap
Considering all 3 specs can use this now, just make it baseline and in its place replaced with Crackling thunder.
Fury and Arms imo both need their spec trees looked at. Their capstones are just not that great. I would love to see MS hit hard again without so many modifiers. Execute actually feel like a fun ability again. Anyone remember execute spam against Argus?
(any chance Unbridled ferocity gets buffed? Odyn’s fury capstones get buffed?
The prot tree has been almost the same since DF. This really needs some love.
For example challenging shout should just be baseline, and in its place Have disrupting shout (Which I think should be a silence)
I doubt anything would come from this, but figured I would post my thoughts. I will post in the warrior forums too.