Please give us dragonmaw orc customization options

But there were no dragonmaw in WOD Wich is where the mah’har are from, until blizz changes or updates the lore to specifically show they were on an island or something during the events of WOD they are in the MU only as of now.

(Side note I do think they should have been somewhere in WOD taming the faydrakes)

They were in Draenor they just didn’t tame azerothian dragons that they are known for until they arrived on azeroth. They tamed two headed dragons (again really badass) from draenor but they been around for a long time and i feel it would do some justice for them being represented in the mag’har

Dragonmaw one of the coolest races/clans in the game

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Remove them from the game if they’re dead.

We can still go see them.

i agree! give the orcs their purple-skin, and yellow glowing eyes! give’em their old, blackrock, green-grey skin tone too while your at it, it’s not hurting WoW if you add these, so do it!


didn’t we kill most of the dragonmaw clan in soo?

We killed a good portion of them but they are still kicking around


It’s either headcannon or not knowing the lore.

I’m not sure why Wowpedia lists him as the new leader, but he’s still around, because yeah, he showed up at the prestige 2 ceremony for Horde in Legion.

There’s another Dragonmaw orc we know of who didn’t side with Garrosh, and since it’s never stated that he died, he’s still around lorewise, just hasn’t done anything.

Yes please, I get so jelly whenever I see Eitrigg now