PLEASE give us back off-spec Moonkin Form!

As a moonkin at heart, it gave me GREAT pleasure to be a resto moonkin, feral moonkin, guardian moonkin. It’s just for fun, it’s not actually competitive. But FLAP!!! Every new class you all release has 15 different dashes, dodges, displaces, and GLIDE! Why must we be the only ones to suffer? Just make it a baseline spell or something! It’s removal is the biggest slap in the face to druids in a long time. PLEASE BLIZZARD, I BEG OF YOU. HAVE I NOT SUFFERED ENOUGH??


I miss dancing as Moonkin =(
All those beautiful customizations they did in Dragonflight are now locked out of three specs that had access prior


I know!!! How awful, isn’t the point of adding content for people to enjoy it? Why go backwards?


Yeah I miss Flap so much.
I wish 11.0.5 could give us moonkin back for non balance specs.
There is zero downside that I can think of to make it baseline for all specs :frowning:


Any thread wanting Moonkin Form back, I 100% will throw in my full support.

Seriously as Resto I need it back, being caster oriented off is the most visually dull thing now, Kittyweaving still keeps its fantasy, visual flare and identity, yet Owlweaving, nope sorry we have to kill that.

I just want the visuals back, I miss Moonkin Form so much.


My first instinct is always to say “No, it should have stayed Balance only from the beginning.” My second instinct is that the loss of utility (and damage for restoration) is not good. I’m much more inclined to follow the second instinct here. It’s never good to lose utility (like back in the day when they removed shifting out of roots from everybody except restoration).


Been saying this since they removed it. Off-spec moonkin meant I could slightly increase my filler damage as resto, it gave us access to flap but more importantly, it was just fun. To just take it away without adjusting/tweaking just hurts. I pre-ordered and I can barely find it in me to play this expansion because Druid just doesn’t feel good :expressionless:

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I would 100% be in favor of moonkin form returning for all druids either baseline or as a talent that is actually optional. But I will say that as a feral druid main who also nearly exclusively catweaves when playing resto, I would be lying if I said it wasn’t nice to be able to avoid having to invest the points when I didn’t want to take it. I never actually had a choice but to take Balance Affinity going back to Legion as a feral druid, nor was I able to avoid taking Sunfire, Starsurge, and Moonkin form back in Dragonflight. So while I will fully support it coming back as an option, my support is contingent on it actually being optional for the times when I have no interest in using it.

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Give us moonkin form back please

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Blizzard! The Druids are displeased! Please give us back our chicken form!! We mourn the loss of flap and chonky dance!

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Make Moonkin Form cosmetic like Treant Form already. It’s 2024, and the endgame is transmog. Then, every spec can use it and cast anything including healing spells in the form. Remove the GDC on cosmetic forms to make them easier to use.

Use the talent Master Shapeshifter if you want better off-DPS by the way.