Please give us at least ONE fresh TBC server

Blizzard has decided in their selfishness that crusade/wrath aren’t worth preserving, not even with a single realm. Our solution will be to unsub after wrath is deleted unless you. Cataclysm is going to be mostly dead realms a few months in. Good news is that at least we’ll be free of this wretched scum company and never have to give them money for anything ever again.

When it comes to classic/crusade, I’d never want to return to them anyway without dual spec, tokens, better population management, balance changes… none of which they wanted to do. Their rehosts were doomed to fail up front, which I warned of, as they wouldn’t do anything the games needed to ensure long term success. They shovelwared us. Pretend to care, do minimum effort, make a quick buck, then abandon ship.

If classic got a definitive version with all the changes it needed, now that I would like to play, but it’s never going to happen. Crusade isn’t going to get it either. I’m not signing up for yet another round of “LF TANK” with only 1 good tank class and no dual spec or RDF. No thanks.

I won’t be in it for long. :+1:

You originally posted a wall of quotes. But here you go:

  1. “Selfish” does not mean “obligation.” This is deliberately taking what was said out of context, knowing that wasn’t what was meant.
  2. Wrath will no longer be playable. Call it whatever you want, but the reality remains the same. This is the “it’s a spade not a shovel” argument.
  3. We had to pay them to play crusade/wrath, which we obviously won’t have to do anymore once wrath is gone. Before you even try, no, the token doesn’t count as “free.” Not even giving you a chance to move the goalpost.
  4. I’m playing wrath while it’s here. I’ll be quitting with cataclysm. You act as if I’ve made conflicting statements. But it is you that contradicts yourself on here, not me.
  5. Added the disingenuous clown to the block list. It’s well earned and honestly long overdue.

Edit: Added # 5

“lol wut? why even reply if u clearly have zero clue?”