Please give us account to account transfer!

They won’t be doing this as they have said that they don’t have the ability to distinguish between characters that were boosted using the service and characters that were not. Since they don’t have that ability now, I don’t see them being able to retroactively gain this ability either. It probably will not ever happen unless the one per account boost restriction is lifted.

I’d use the service. I canceled my second account For Sept 22nd. It’s never had a boost used on it.

I got it specifically to have horde and ally on the same PVP server. I did have a blast and played both sides, It was 1000% worth it, but now I can’t really justify an extra $15/month because that rule was taken off. I might extend the sub for 1 more month and level to 80 and get some achievements on those toons. I do have fun playing them and am attached to them in a way (they have 150 days played on them together) but otherwise, the account is getting retired for now I guess.

Some people might love throwing money at Blizzard for everything, that’s not my style personally, especially since I haven’t been happy with some things and when that is the case for me I only give that company the minimum. I would pay for account-to-account transfers for those toons but if that’s not an option because others want to abuse boostIng limitations and Blizzard can’t figure that out then oh well.

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no, we NEED this.

I’m pretty sure they could do it. Pretty easily too. You’d just programme it so that as soon as that character is boosted it would trigger a transfer lock.

WE don’t need this.

Thats actually an argument I can get behind. It baffles me how you cant have classic + retail or another version open on the same account at the same time.

Absolute garbage take.

Imagine actually believing that. Holy lord how is the world so naive?

Totally agree

This service should of been added months ago.

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Because god forbid you want to spent more money tohave more 70s in a game where max level is 80. If people have the dough to blow, let 'em waste it I say.

im not pro acct - acct transfer but you just made stuff up here.

blizzard 100% can (and does) “detect” what character was boosted.
It is forever apart of that players database entry.

They track these kinds of things, why wouldnt they? They know everything you character has been through lol. It’s development 101.

pls let me skip the gold buying middleman and just buy level 58/70/80/raid geared/legendary geared characters from the people i used to buy gold from


Yeah you want ACCT to ACCT so people can just buy accounts then xer them all onto theirs?

That will go over well lol

Makes sense (not fiscally of course) to let them do account to account transfers, within the same account.
I’m Ok with the idea because they ruined the need of the 2nd account for a lot of players when they killed dungeon boosting.
Plenty of players had 2 accounts so they could run themselves or their their friends through dungeons or quests.
I know I did this on retail myself, because my server was one of the dying servers back in the day(before server merges), and it was easier to boost my own toons with a max level alt on a 2nd account than try to find people to play with at level.

Should’ve been added at end of Vanilla Classic since that’s how it was originally

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I’m not sure blizzard would actually care about this, but the player base would. Blizzard would totally scrooge mcduck into their pile of boost/transfer cash if they could.

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