Please give resto druids a mitigation raid CD

Resto druids were the least competitive and least taken healer in 25 and 10M heroics in WOTLK (barring holy priest but they have 2 healing specs).
4x the number of paladins, 2x the number of disc, 1.5x the number of shaman were healing end game heroic content (last I reviewed the numbers) and resto druids look to be headed in the same direction for cata.

Consider adding a glyph to make mushrooms a viable mitigation CD, barkskin castable on tanks…something to make it viable to bring rdruid in a 10 or 25 M comp and help break up the meta a little…

Rdruid is insane in cata if the content is hard enough or you can drop a healer. However it is looking like cata fights are super super nerfed.

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