Please get rid of the bombs for sentinel

I really want to play a nature warrior with a pet who uses some magic.

Please allow sentinel to throw arcane bombs instead.

Also if you could think about making the chain an arcane chain that would explode when we reach the target.

These two visual upgrades would go a long way in the fantasy of a nature elf warrior with their pet and owl flying beside them


Imagine if you threw a glaive instead of a bomb


I’d rather the bombs get removed entirely because survivals theme is all over the damn place.
2 handed warrior with a pet that uses a harpoon to get into melee range to throw bombs point blank
who came up with this theme. lol


the explosions have been in the spec since day 1. melee range explosions are the least fantastical thing in a game where your allies regularly cast firestorms directly above you or your ally next to you is just spinning around in a circle with a sword the size of a mid-sized sedan


I agree I hate them in general.

I just don’t feel like the same person using aspect of the eagle is also literally lobbing gross, environment destroying, ugly, bombs !!


I’d kill to get bombs and explosions on a ranged spec. I can’t believe the only two specs in the game who use GUNS cannot also lob a grenade. It’s ridiculous.


Wouldnt that just make you a BM hunter with melee

I’ve always envisioned survival as a combination of the predator and Rambo.

Traps and improvised explosives should totally be in the kit. If you want to be a nature hunter play BM.

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But they don’t use melee I like melee.

Also I’m just asking for a visual option for the sentinal spec, because it’s magic based.

You could still be Rambo on the other spec

Somebody never played Alien vs Predator in the arcade or thought about Rambo having a hunting knife for literally everything.

Isn’t that what survival is already
makes me wish they just went all in back in legion and made bm the melee spec instead, clearly they don’t know how else to make the melee spec work

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I don’t wanna be Rambo I wanna be Tyranda

They should just be a talent option.

Like, it fits great with an Orc, Goblin or Forsaken or like Humans.

But if you want to be a melee hunter focused on nature, it really kills the vibe.


hunter has always used explosives since day 1. it’s never been a spiritual nature class


I personally think they should of made BM the duel wield melee spec. But my understanding was that they needed a polearm spec for the artifact and survival needed a rework so they made survival the melee pole arm spec\trap\bomber\pet\everything spec.

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Yeah but that’s not really the vibe of sentinel


There’s too many elf hero classes anyways.

Let dwarves get something for what’s supposed to be the dwarf expansion.

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I don’t even play dwarves, but I couldn’t agree more. I’m over the whole night elf, MY TYRANDEEEEEE, storyline. It’s been going on for 3 expansions at this point, let another race have some story time/options. I’d even settle for a vulpera setting and I play Alliance characters.

Ok but this isn’t about that… this is about a hero spec that is already elven flavored … sort of a senseless argument here

Mountain Thane…? Hello???