Please get a rare finder addon

Listen folks it is nice when people call out rares and all but to expect and demand people do it because you won’t take a few moments out of your day to get an addon like

  • Warfont rare tracker
  • Mechagon rare tracker
  • Nazjatar rare tracker

Don’t get upset and start whining over the general chat about how you missed killing a rare.

People you need to start thinking for yourselves.


Also, sometimes you may have to camp a rare you really want. I know, it’s a slap in the face, etc.


Please do this.

The amount of “I refuse to get an add on, people should be obligated to tell me the moment a rare spawns, and not only its coords, but directions on how to get there because I don’t even have a coords add on” I see in general chat is crazy.


yah and then you got those guys that are on the otherside of the zone crying because the rare was killed before they got there…actually had some guy yelling slow dps i am not there…lol


I have SilverDragon, and TomTom So far I have had no problems with them.


Silverdragon is good but isn’t being kept up to date so well, the one I got tells me the loots it drops also

Also, everyone should have a coordinates addon.


Sure, I agree with people getting an addon, but when I’m calling a rare it takes me .3 more seconds to add in the coords. The people who refuse to just to be mean are equally as annoying as the people who won’t get the addon and expect catering. However, if people want more than that from me I just ignore and kill it. I did my part by letting them know it was there.


If you’re bothering to notify people at all about a rare, you can take the extra second to put coords. If you don’t care about other players getting there before the kill, why bother announcing it at all?


Coordinates should really be in the base game map.


I think SilverDragon has an option to announce into the chat channel you choose both the name of the rare, and the coords. I have not set it up to do so.

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I know quite a few players that play on older systems and as a rule they avoid all addons due to the extra power needed to run them.

I’m not saying all players have this issue and I’m sure some are simply lazy but on the other hand some player do have a legit reason for not dl’ing the latest hot addons.


I agree to a certain extent, I try to call out but but usually if i am first on scene. if there are 10-20 people there it is usually moot to call out because they are dead within a few seconds.

I have seen the same people day in and day out on Naz and Mecha asking for rare spawn time, when last killed etc; when they can just get the necessary addons with no difficulty to help with their gameplay

That is true Paladina but some of these addons barely use any memory so they don’t really mess with gameplay.

Also some just don’t know these addons exsist

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eh, nah.

Plenty of people will call them out, myself included. No need to get an addon, most of them respawn in the exact same area all the time, and many of them do a /yell whenever they spawn.

if your starting up beastbot, or summoning the fish boss, or completing a reclimation rig, you really outta call it out.

Random Rares, w/e people run into them all the time, and they respawn fast enough.

But Mechagon rares don’t justify an addon for me.


That is also fine and thats not the issue, the big issue is people actually demanding the rares be called out or getting angry with people for not calling them out.

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I killed Daggertooth whatever last night for my Naz daily, without letting anyone know!

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It’s common courtesy to, I generally do, I also even include the general area where their spotted (Not giving coords, cause not everyone has a coordination mod)

It’s a little much to get actually upset over it, but I can see how people would get annoyed, if someone started an event Rare (Beast bot, Lurker rare, ect), that you have to start, or found a Vaultbot and didn’t say anything.


And thats fine. I totally get that.

This is more about the people that sit in general chat, demanding that others call out spawns, coords, and directions on how to get there. And when an add on is suggested they pull out some “I remember when the WoW community helped each other” line.

I have no issue calling out rares. I do it constantly.

This is just more targeted at the people that feel others are obligated to do it for them.


Of course it is always situational, I try myself to call out but I am not a very good typer and if the fight is already on then I cant do both but that is just me lol