I was trying to farm Ahn’Qiraj Temple for transmog. The paladin set gloves drop off Viscidus. I put on the enchant so my attacks can do frost damage. I can freeze him, but not kill him. He gets stuck at 1%. This is incredibly frustrating. For a raid from classic WoW should be easily to solo for transmog.
I found a video of a “how to” but it’s so over complicated. Feels like terrible design. This boss should be fixed so we can go back and easily solo it no matter what class/spec we are.
The video of the overly complicated how to that I wont bother doing, and will instead just logoff and do something else:
I mean they did change it once from the original design. Originally you needed like 3 actual bodies providing enough cold effects to trigger the shatter.
Also considering how long it’s been, it’s pretty clear it isn’t anywhere near Blizzard’s todo list. Best to just get whatever tools are needed for the wonky solo strat and pray it doesn’t take too many kills to get it.
It doesn’t mean people should just “shut up and do it”. Legit nobody else is gonna help me run the raid weekly until I get the drop. Also, some classes like rogue can do it with no hassle at all. I throw the deathfrost enchant on 1 dagger and could solo it. Ret Paladin though that actually NEEDS the boss for transmog is a pain in the butt.
I’d say you are correct that they don’t care. If no one could kill it, they’d likely have to act, but obviously some people are still able to down the boss, meaning Working As Intended, to them.
I don’t get if you’re attempting to slam me or what. I’m not saying I approve of Blizzard keeping it this way…just that it’s obvious they don’t care enough to take however long it’ll actually take to take it. Honestly they can just make the boss 1 shottable for all I care. Nothing is gained making it so hokey trying to kill solo.
There is a difference between what “should” be done and what “will” be done and realizing and accepting that you might have to fall back to the “will be done” line and doing what it takes is the best you can hope for.
If memory serves, prot can solo it with a fast 1H weapon with the frost enchant and spamming spin hammers with possible double hits with drums/haste buffs. Think that is how my pally did it anyway once upon a time ago.
But if all are satisfied rallying for change, well so be it…it just isn’t gonna get you fancy glove mogs anytime soon.
Yeah this should be changed. It’s from a super old raid that should be a complete faceroll, but there are some classes that it’s very difficult to do without some extremely gimmicky setups with things like trinkets that summon mobs that will get in some extra physical attacks.
Fortunately, I believe all the items off Viscidus can have their transmog unlocked by different classes wearing the same armor type, and each armor type does have at least one class that can do this pretty easily solo. As mentioned above, fury warriors with the elemental damage enchant are good for this fight, the same goes for DKs.
So while I would definitely prefer the fight be changed to make it more doable for any class, I’m afraid we’re probably stuck using workarounds like unlocking xmog with different classes to finish the sets you do want.
Alternately, if you’re having issues trying to get this, I’d suggest getting one of the many trinkets that has a creature or creatures that come out of it to help you attack things. I had to farm this for a while on my priest, and that was one of the only ways I could manage it. Frost ray + pet trinkets = win.
Blizzard does need to fix this, but here’s how I solo him in the meantime Ziate.
Go to your WoD garrison (if you don’t have one, that’s great, means you’ll be absolutely able to do this) and provided it’s level 2 or higher, build the lumber mill. Once you’ve built that, go and complete the tutorial quest, then track down Weldon Barov (or Alexi Barov if you’re doing it Horde side) and complete his quest. You’ll get a trinket. Don’t sell it. Hold onto it.
Go to AQ40, fight your way to Viscidus, then equip the trinket before the fight (or equip it earlier so the CD on the trinket is done by the time you get to Viscidus). Here’s the key. Do not use the trinket right at the start, hold off on using it until you’ve frozen Viscidus. Once Viscidus is frozen, use the trinket and the summoned NPCs will hit him enough times that he shatters. Then you can loot away!