Please fix Vault of Archavon

Go there as no faction Panda , see what happens

? You can fly once battle ends, you just fly where the portal is. But unless your faction controls it, you can’t enter. The guards are easily killed

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you should probably take a look at this…

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That’s my point. How did you test it if your faction doesn’t control it?

Nod. I knew about this when I wrote what I did. But at this time, the items aren’t. Also, that is several patch cycles away before they implement it. So, if people have the bank space to store it, then no problem. Just don’t go in looking for a piece and get disappointed at this moment.

Not false just did it Vault of Archavon when other faciton had control

go to youtube search
How to enter Vault of Archavon in Wintergrasp when enemy has the controlled.

But instead of using mount use Soft purple pillow at the corner, then sit on it and youll teleport inside then just mount and fly to the bottom and enter the raid

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post has to do with Vault of Archavon not baradin…Vault of Archavon is only one you can do no matter who has control…posted above on how to do it

Its a pvp raid. Just wait till your side has control of it. Then send an alt army in to collect everything. Raid takes 5 minutes

Sure, but the point is it might be a while until your side controls it during a period where you can be online to do it.

Like in two of OP’s examples they would have to wait around for over an hour to see whether or not the raid changes hands with no guarantee that it will, and that’s a bit silly for such old and outdated content. Especially when Blizzard has steadily been chipping away at the faction divide in the last few years.

People shouldn’t have to be using exploits to access it.

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true but video has been around for years and hasnt been fixed

Then get in and seize control. I doubt more than 1-2 people are ever there taking control of it. Go in, take a tank and ram the walls down.

While this is probably possible, it really is pretty effortless to follow what Wårio posted above. I just tried it myself even though Alliance had control at the time and I could just use the teleport pad, and it’s almost as fast as the pad to get inside! Definitely beats waiting for a battle to start and then going through the time needed to actually win it.

Still missing the point. OP would have to wait around for an hour and then hope that no one is opposing them. Even if no one stops them, it still takes a while to knock all the walls down by yourself.

It was debatable that PVE raid access should have ever been gated by PVP even when it was current, but there is certainly no good reason for it to still be this way 16 years later.

Why are so many players afraid to take action? To do things themselves? They would rather wait for someone else to do them and then make a complaint here. I find half the complaints on this forum fall under “I could do something to move this along, but Id rather the game just hand things to me or make it easier.”

No body seems willing to get their hands dirty. Vault isnt available? Make it available! Or wait till later. Dont complain that the devs dont change 14 year old content. Or take time to do so. It’s working. It’s not bugged. They arent going to pay a dev to work on ancient content to make things easier for people who don’t want to do something about it themselves. I can do it, but I dont want to. Someone do it for me, plz.

Good to know that everyone has a bunch of free time to dedicate towards checking whether a 16 year old raid is available.

Because it’s stupid having to jump through hoops just for the opportunity to run a legacy raid.

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Dont have time, come back later. They arent going to remove this. Just like they wont remove the pvp towers from TBC and anything similar. They will focus on bugs or current content.

Until then, if it’s horde controlled (like that area in Nagrand), you send in horde characters to collect. If it’s alliance, send in alliance characters. They are changing it so class specific items can be collected. Just gotta hold them in the bank. Dont have a character of the other faction, well I gave you the options. Change it yourself or wait.

You can also make an alt trial account, make some CT characters on realms where your faction is winning all the time and just CT your main into the BG.

Or just use the fat mount trick and phase through the walls.

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using the toy is better/faster

Exactly. I wouldn’t do it. I rather they just fix it