Please fix the Skull of Manari Legion artifact transmog

I’ve opened a bug already in game but in the last major patch you broke it and now there’s 2 skulls of Manari when you transmog a weapon. Please fix it. I really love that transmog and I hate that I can’t use it.


Why wouldn’t you want two skulls?


I had to go check this out in game. It’s pretty bad no doubt, I was hoping it put two of them on either side of you, but nope. It’s like the regular one and then another large one spazzing out trying to figure out if it should be in the game or not.


Either the Devs are more focus on TWW beta than really worry about fixing that bug or this cannot be fix.

There’s like 2 to 3 bugs on the new demo tree that currently do not work. And we are a month out from releases.

Also they didn’t adjust any of the demon core abilities when they reduced the core procs. (Pact of eredun / immutable hatred still have the same damage/proc rate as in DF, except the new passive doom guard was change to just be single target damage and it’s lower than the current doom guards damage and these are both still kept with the old rate of the dragon flight demon core procs. When we currently cast a lot more shadobolts.

Currently you’re casting heck lot more in the expansion than current demo.

I was really hoping that If they forced shadowbolt on us to be required to cast so often it would include new conditions with shadow bolts/demon bolt like say an instant hand of guldan every 30 secs or so nothing too often or and some utility debuff but it just straight cast it for shard and damage.

At least something add to the casting mechanic of it. But nope. Going into late 2024 into straight plant and cast for 10 secs or so to get the most out of tyrant again.

Meanwhile several specs getting instant procs on top of their original cast/casting a 2nd spell w.o the requirements of plant casting.

Because they are busted and float all over the place and are side ways?

One floats higher, but I’ve never seen them floating side-ways.

Yeah the bugged 2nd head starts doing some weird side animations and just floats around like that.

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