Please Fix the Headless Horseman Queue Times

The revamped HH needs an actual tank and healer.


I think its because of the new quest chain. The last step requires you to queue for the boss. Generally people with quests get preference in queues. This same problem was happening during the dragonflight pre-patch events with the quest and queue for uldaman.


Hjohgrrt trcgtty gredgcc13467(??? Gffvgygg dergc gfftygvgdswiop


Hjrrrrr!!! J jdf hhdairir frs jdssjdjjj? lol


Cool, sat in a queue for 20 minutes dealing with people declining, logged on my other account and queued as dps and got in within 3 minutes while my original guy is still sitting there waiting.

I put 6 tank toons through this afternoon. None of them had to wait.

Stuck in queue for coming up to 30 mins here myself… what a joke

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50 seconds here on wrath do i count? lol

DPS queues are unacceptable.

This isn’t LFR, it’s an encounter that takes at the up most 5 minutes or less to complete. No reason why the DPS queues should be this bad.

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Seems like a bug. None of my queues today were that long, but I remember earlier in the expac sometimes I’d get an unusually large queue for instances. So I’d have to get out of the queue, log out, wait a few, log back in and it fixed itself.

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I think it is a case of too many people queueing as DPS. So there’s a huge waiting list. But it is also very inconsistent. My arms warrior and ret paladin got in super quick, maybe around 5 minutes. It took my warlock 30 minutes and my rogue 40 minutes.

Good to know it’s not just DPS queue times. I’ll relog if it happens again.

I had one earlier today, where it popped within a couple of minutes. Was dps and quickly got a healer and tank, then another dps but it timed out waiting for the last person. Supposedly went to the head of the queue where we should have just quickly gotten the next dps in line, but then ended up waiting almost 30 minutes for it to pop again.


Currently at 53 mins in queue with an average queue time of 4 minutes. No idea what’s going on, the character directly before this I got in at like the 10 minute mark.

Edit: Ran over an hour, had to give up as I have other stuff I have to do tonight. Very disappointing for day two.


Yeah this is something they need to actually fix. It’s absurd being at the “front of the queue” and having to wait double the time. Meanwhile others are happily queuing in within minutes.


0 issues queueing on my warrior and warlocks. Long queues on my hunters.

Unlikely as we just had brewfest dungeon earlier this month and there were no 30-50min queues.

This seems more likely

You’re convinced there’s no lead in bread?

Well, I certainly hope not!


DPS queues have been bugged since at least BfA. If you notice your timer going above the average wait time I usually just leave and re-enter queue and it fixes it right up and gets me in well under the average wait time

Yeah, nothing wrong with these queues…for my Demon Hunter


For my Rogue
