Please fix the dungeon requirement that makes SL storylines impossible for new players


Please change the Quest #58175 (The Eternal Forge)'s prerequisite from completing Quest #58798 (The Spires of Ascension) to completing Quest #58797 (Forged by Trial) instead.


Some Shadowlands storylines are dungeon-gated. Like the example above, Chapter 4 of the Kyrian Covenant storyline will never be offered to players if the Quest #58798 (The Spires of Ascension) is not completed.

After Dragonflight launch, Shadowlands have become an old expansion. Unless being low level and in Chromie Time, players are unable to use Dungeon Finder to queue for the Spires of Ascension.

It is extremely frustrating for new players and new characters to attempt soloing the Spires of Ascension dungeon. It can be frustrating even with a party of new players.

Developers should check the comments under Wowhead entry of Quest #58798 (The Spires of Ascension), where a great number of new and noobish players have been so frustrated by this dungeon-gated storyline, that they eventually gave up playing WoW and cancelled subscription.