Please fix shadow duel bugs

Shadow duel has so many bugs. First, it lose your focus target after duel, you have to reclick focus target. Second, it resets the DR timer on gladius addon. Ex: There were 15s left on stun Dr, after you duel, it cleaned all the Dr timer for all targets. Make it impossible for next set up. Any one experience that? Its happen everytime. And sometime it loses your target at the first second and last second of due.

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Your focus gets lost on the press of shadowy duel and probably has since duel was created. I could be wrong, it got really bad in DF. Duel will also make your lose your current Dueled target you’re fighting because it bugs out and your duel target disappears. Have to make a targetnearesttarget macro basically to retarget fast enough to get full benefit from Duel

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