Since Shadowlands Prepatch they have changed how you get allied races removing the rep grind needed, however a new bug appeard and not everyone has experianced it but with my own reserch and experiancing the problem myself somtimes the Quest straight up does not show up. Ji Firepaw is suppose to give me a quest to unlock a allied race I have completed the pre requirements for (Note I unlocked Vulpera before the change). I was able to unlock HighM Tauren during Shadowlands prepatch but I cant unlock Mag’har Orc even though I have all prerequirments (Ready for war & Level 50).
My friend who recently subscribed wants to play Vulpera yet he cant, I want to unlock my Orcs and I can’t. This Bug has existed since 2020. I am currently playing the Dragonflight prepatch. We have contacted Blizzard support and got a automated response and they closed the ticket telling to basiclly F off and “look at WoW head”. I wont lie that got me heated enough to acutally write a forum post. Since Blizzard wont listen I feel my only option is to hope someone here has a solution or blizzard fixes this.
I’m in the same boat, I should be able to start the quests for 3 allied races on alliance, but nothing is showing up at the embassy. Wowhead’s tracker confirms I’ve completed the requirements, just this event running has bugged it out it seems. Hopefully there is a solution in the works so we don’t entirely miss the event for new characters.
they have closed 3 of my tickets boys its looking slow for us.
This is happening to me as well, any known fixes? I was able to get the Nightborne and Highmountain allied races unlocked this patch (11/17/2022 idk patch number) but i’m just having trouble with Vulpera.
Anyone able to unlock Vulpera? What have yo been able to unlock and not unlock?
Same here. I have unlocked all the Horde allied races prior to the patch, and now I cannot pick up the Mag’Har Orc questline either. So I suppose that it is broken? VERY Frustrating for sure!
Okay, I was just going to go into detail about my similar/same situation on this character, but then I logged on with them and the quest, “The Call for Allies” popped up. I strongly believe the issue, at least in my case, was due to not having been granted (and then completing) this quest, according to my wowhead reading.
I will share a few things I did yesterday to attempt to remedy my plight which may have had an, albeit delayed, effect. First and foremost that comes to my mind is the BfA Intro - leading to either the “Come Sail Away” Achievement (Alliance) or “Welcome to Zandalar” Achievement (Horde). Second would be the Heart of Azeroth acquisition quest (for my Evoker, I had to interact with an “Earthen Guardian” NPC to acquire the breadcrumb quest for this - there is one for both Alliance and Horde, search it on wowhead if you need help finding it).
Those are the two main activities that come to mind from my frenzied attempts to get the allied race recruitment quests to show from Aysa Cloudsinger (the Alliance equivalent of Ji Firepaw). I highly recommend completing the faction-appropriate Achievement and getting the Heart of Azeroth if you haven’t already, then giving it a day for “The Call for Allies” quest to pop up. If your issue is similar to what mine was, that will (hopefully) resolve it. That’s the best/only advice I can offer, though. Fingers crossed you’re able to get your Allied Race recruitment quests started!
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So glad it’s not just me! My blood elf was in the middle of the Vulpera questline before the patch, and had the quest On the Outskirts. When I went to Nisha to turn it in yesterday, nothing happened. Did all the things, disabled addons, reloaded ui… no luck. Finally abandoned quest, went back to Orgrimmar, and now Kiro the quest giver is gone. Support ticket came back with an automated reply and marked “resolved”. So no help there!
After starting the quest on my mage, I abandoned The Call For Allies quest to pick it up on another character. The quest no longer shows up and I am unable to move forward with the Mag’har allied race because I can no longer get the quest.
I dont know why but now suddenly on my Mage alt I can get my Mag’har Orc Quest after the Emercncy server reset, I logged onto my main which im posting from but the quest wasnt there for them. Weird. I’ll leave this post up since this is still a Bug since it shouldn’t matter which character you get this quest on as achievements are account wide and for the record my mage hasnt done “Ready for war”.
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I am in the same boat currently. I abandoned the quest (im now a level 70) and wanted to get the void elf. but khadgar and the other people who first showed up at the docks when I started dragon isles, wont show up. Have you figured out what to do?
Same problem. I have completed the requirements for Mechagnomes… 4 different toons in fact. It just doesnt work and Blizzard support gives me the same BS responses… go read the guide on wowhead… really? Oh wow, why didnt I think of that before… ugh