Please fix Mark of the Hibernating Runebear drop rate

Come on, we are this late in the season and this incredibly low % drop rate skin is locked behind a single weekly world boss kill… Please adjust the drop rate or open the availability of other drop sources…

A druid who has been farming this every week and still nothing.


Ditto for posterity

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I think all of them need a drop rate buff. I got the rune bear by luck but still no Tindral fire form. Currently 0-15.

They shouldn’t even be a chance, just make them all 100%

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Super low Drop Rate was rough on all of them. I get maybe not handing them out like candy…after a few kills you should get it. I ended up having to Farm for it on multiple Druids to get them all.

You know, I thought that one was going to be the easiest to get…Turns out that one was the worst. I figured being able to Physically spawn the Mob when I wanted would better then the Random spawns. I didnt realize just how terrible Mindlessly Grinding for 30 minute to an hour would be…Good luck on him.

I lucked out and got my last two daily farmed forms yesterday. I’m just missing runebear and it is being stubborn. at least I only have to farm that once a week.


100% agree. This issue needs to be addressed. I have been doing this each week since the patch on two druids and I keep getting gloves and nothing else. Feeling led on at this point with the “new” forms to unlock. They seemed to be all unlockable at some point with work put into it. We’re putting in the work, but we are getting no reward which is making us feel like we have been wasting our time.


Still nothing for me, been farming every week since release. Is it a bug at this point?


Druids really can’t handle having something locked behind a world boss huh? Not like mounts have had that since the beginning of wow.

I say this as a druid main. Some forms should be rare. 100%? Lol. Do we want NOTHING to be rare?

Let me guess…you already got urs with little effort.

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Nothing is “rare” in this expac in the classic sense of rare.

This isn’t even a skill achievement, just pure luck.

This form is a PITA to farm, given the accessibility of everything else, it’s logical and sensical to question the drop rate of this.

“rare” never has, and never will, exclusively mean skill based.

Luck will always be a big part of rarity.

I got extremely lucky and got it on my first kill, but I have friends who have been farming it since the first week possible and haven’t gotten it yet still. We’re nearing the end of the expansion, there’s no harm in increasing the drop rate at this point or at the bare minimum changing it to a daily lockout instead.


@admin .
Is this form bugged? I’ve been trying for months, nothing. Please fix it.


Daily would work…do thst.

Been running Superdreel my 70 driud on grizzlr hills…every week since drop…NOTHING.

Like me i have every form except the hibernating rune ear form and Im mad AF about that.

I feel the same way about the Keen-Eyed Cian purple cat form. It’s the only one left for me and I’ve killed it every day since season 3 w/o a drop on my druid.

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I’ve only recently started trying to farm Cian, and it’s almost impossible to even find spawned unless you’re willing to wait for hours at a time. :c