Please fix guardian mage tower

The scaling is absolutely horrible. Why did you buff them even more when it was already insanely hard?
Especially for a challenge that’s 4 expansions old, revert the hp back before it was changed so people have a chance


I think all mage towers are harder currently


I watched a couple videos for it. Was able to complete it with just the feast buff. Use orbs aggressively, don’t hold them all for Kruul.

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The scaling in the Tower challenge is absolutely busted. It appears that the damage from the mobs inside scale by your level and gear, but your own defenses and health (and damage) do NOT. I was trying to get the druid form off the challenge as I was leveling up and was getting to phase 2 fairly well… but now that I’m 80 with level 80 gear (not even that great, just 582 currently) I’m getting absolutely DESTROYED in there. I can barely get a quarter of the way into the first phase before I’m nuked.

For something that is multiple expansions old, the fight should absolutely be scaled to be a LOT easier - not HARDER. Add to that fact the druid form from this challenge is only one of two existing and the OTHER form is IMPOSSIBLE to get because Aurostor the Hibernating is bugged (NO loot drops), it means Blizzard has effectively blocked druids from getting either of these forms until they decide to fix things.

What talents are you running? Are you getting any buffs before?

Yep. Same talents as before (though all the Hero talents now too - Guardian bear spec). I’m pre-buffing as well with feast, flasks, etc. As I say, I just went in recently at 80 and got absolutely NUKED. Even resorted at one try to get out of the AOE much sooner than I hard previously (before I’d wait until about 10-15% health); got out at 50% and still got destroyed. Didn’t change anything from the pre-80 attempts other than the fact I had Hero Talents and Level 80 gear. Before I was getting to Phase 2… now? Barely 20% into the first phase. The scaling is busted.

I mean are you running Druid of the claw or Elune? I found Druid of the claw to be much better. You can 2 shot the eyes with moon fires. When the spirits come I run to an orb, thrash swipe then get the orb when they cast. Finishing them off as I run to the boss. I try to face the eyes if I can so I don’t get knocked back.

sry to rez this post but like how do you deal with kruul after the orbs are gone? he 1 shots through survival instincts. the only way i get can him low is delaying the casts with orbs and the lowest i’ve gotten him is 6%

You have to keep moving. He always puts his puddle down, followed by his big attack and then the heal. So when he puddles you hit your defensives (with ironfurs too), move out then skull bash the heal cast. If for some reason you couldn’t react to the heal you can grab an orb and the heal will go away.

You can only skull bash the heal. Don’t interrupt it any other way he will just cast it again right away. Maul, mangle, thrash is the priority.

  1. Everyone doing Mage Tower right now MUST have a TWW feast buff to be competitive.
  2. For Kruul, you need to use a rotation of defensives per Annihilation. Any/all youtube videos tell you what they found to be a good rotation of defensives.
  3. Save drums for Kruul, and I believe you can use pre-TWW drums, so they will be very cheap in AH.
  4. Save as many white orbs as you can for Kruul, and even use them to interrupt his twisting nether if need be.