Please Fix Growl on Hunter Pets

I am constantly pulling off my pet. Growl is not firing off as it should and the amount of that it generates is to low. It also it send to not have any effect on open world elites.


Warlock says hi :wave::smiley:

Not sure what it is, but pet classes just struggle to stay under aggro this expansion. I suspect it’s not intended/possibly a bug or tuning misfire, because I don’t recall pet aggro issues in Dragonflight - unless you were “going all out” pressing every DPS cooldown on your bars (which makes sense)

I was leveling a Warlock this past week and I constantly found myself “hovering” around 40-50% health when fighting a pack of mobs because my tank pet pet simply wasn’t holding threat - and that’s just using basic rotation/no DPS cooldowns… and keep in mind this alt is in totally random greens/low gear, so it’s not even a “big pumper” :man_facepalming:

Is an ongoing thread about this here: Hunter & warlock pets not holding aggro