Please fix forum

Once in a while we fully agree on things; may sound strange but not all Democrats are weak sniveling pathetic socialist dweebs looking for a welfare check. Although I am realistic enough to know that presently it appears my entire political party is defunct and left me high and dry.

No I still don’t typically vote for republicans, but given the Democratic party and the pathetic choices presented in the last decade it becomes more tempting by the day to turn to the dark side…

And it’s inconsistent to boot. For example:

Communist is permitted. It’s opposite ( 4 letter word, German political party) is not.

That said, I haven’t had very many issues with the filter.



I havent run into any issues with the filter at all, aside from not letting me post in all caps when the situation demands it. Basically just filters out words you know you shouldn’t say in the first place.

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The real forum fix needed is an index. We need gen pop separated from class discussion, PvP, etc.

The real forum fix is a return to the traditional forum format rather than suffer through this ridiculous perpetually scrolling, buggy garbage.

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come on man. its fun to call people poopie doo doo heads.

gotta get creative.

Most people, including myself, are not “truly intelligent”. This isn’t a PHD forum of the philosopher elite here.

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Yeah, the new format is hot garbage

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It can be. You just don’t want to try.

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I do not know what is more pathetic: not being able to communicate without use of profanity, or whining that use of profanity is frowned upon.

its just words.

still though i think being called a poopie doo doo head is worse than the other way to say it.


OMG you gonna get banned :scream:

lol nice edit.

seriously though if someone got banned for that i mean… umm well … heh.

What was your email address again, and do you use 2FA?

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I wouldn’t advocate for reporting, but I’d really like to see Blizzard add a second Classic forum dedicated to guild recruitment.

That’s cause it has 3s in it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sorry Will Smith’s grandma, but studies have shown otherwise:

The problem there is that those “studies” highlight that swearing to induce offence, is not a sign of intelligence. Fluent weaving of curse words into normal conversation is, and for other purposes such as conveying emotion and effect.

Swearing for the purposes of offending someone else, is not one of the signs of intelligence, and Will Smith’s grand mammy was right all along.

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Im actually surprised that in my life time the movie Equilibrium might actually be a thing. The emotion pill that is.

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“Studies have shown”…

Studies have also shown that vaccines cause autism :roll_eyes:. After reading that article and what the study actually claims (people with larger vocabularies know more swear words), I hold both in about the same esteem.