Please extend druid Astral form to Resto

Boomkins and Meta locks already have the option to eschew their transfigured form for a normal appearance. Please extend the same to Resto druids for those of us not fond of tree form. Thank you for your consideration!


no . how will i know who to banish if youre not in tree form?

I’m still waiting for Ghillie Suit form on my hunter

No, tree form lets us know who to blow up/banish first.


What if Treeform’s “humanoid form” came with a constant visual effect.

Youtube: watch?v=a70LSXmuF7o&t=61s

I’m thinking either, as a constant visual effect:

Wild Growth (it’s different than the current visual so it shouldn’t be confusing)
Flourish [2:45] (remember as a constant visual)

Or they could just enable viewing enemy player buffs. Then it’s just a matter of making a Weakaura to detect if the druid can be banished, feared (human), scared (beast).

I’ll never understand why people play the shapeshifting class if they don’t like shapeshifting.


Trees are good.

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Tree form should not be classified as “elemental”. If anything, it should be classified as an “ancient” form.

Warlock being able to banish druids who have to be in that form to get a good amount of healing bonus is ridiculously broken and unbalanced.

i would argue they are making tradeoffs for that.

druids in all forms are immune to poly and the act of shifting removes slows and roots.

gotta trade that power for some negatives too.

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They are immune to poly and removes slows and roots, but have you considered that in order to perform another role, they need to shift out of form? That in itself is its greatest weakness right there…

ya but even that temp power of being immune to poly and slows and roots is big enough to require some other forms of balancing other than mana and what not to compensate.

its not something that is easy to balance but has been in a good place for quite a long time.

this isnt to say i dont feel bad when banishing a druid or a meta lock , cause i do.

i just think maybe the balance solution might be to reduce the time banish affects players maybe.

not throw out something thats worked as a balance mechanism for so long.

That makes sense when you think about feral druid combat, it would be confusing for people that say they don’t want to have to shapeshift into an animal as you could just go rogue/warrior if you didn’t like that aspect and be able to melee/tank still. But when it comes to doing nature/arcane damage or healing, why do we have to be a moonkin/tree form? Even in Diablo game, the druids would only shift shape for melee damage, but if you picked a different skill tree, you’d be in your normal form dishing out nature damage. Thankfully they gave boomkins an option in SoD that was added in future expansions and I agree it’d be nice for healing side as well to get an item where you get the tree of life benefits while not having to be a tree during your entire raid life…and just like boomkins/meta locks, resto druids can’t mount while in tree of life form, so since they already made those changes, as the poster said, why has resto druids not been given an option as well?

we like nature, we’re just pagan

Cause tree form looks hideous, should of atleast given us the Cata model instead.

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