Please dont remove Shadowstep from Outlaw

just posting this here for feedback purposes on the proposed changes to Outlaw, which on the whole would help get rid of some of the bugs, But I think Shadowstep should remain simply because it is a good movement tool that rewards proper use when dodging some mechanics over Grapplehook (don’t get me wrong, an extra baseline charge of Grapplehook sign me up) but unless Grapplehook gets Iframes during its retraction I would rather Shadowstep in their current forms.


It should stay because they haven’t managed to fix Grapple Hook yet. I can’t believe they thought that was a good idea… I mean I guess I can believe it and if I say anymore about our devs or lack thereof, I risk a ban.


They keep removing all the cool stuff from outlaws

Acro and now shadow step?

Who is making these choices


I like Shadowstep better because I don’t have to aim my mouse to use it. I remember they removed it from Combat or Outlaw before, and it sucked. I really missed it. I won’t know what to make of most of the changes until I try them for myself, but this is definitely something I’m dreading.


Yeah. I love that I’m finding a ton of ways to use it as great utility for fights, to now just be losing a part of our toolkit. Why this couldn’t just be a choice node in the outlaw tree is beyond my comprehension at this point.

Like, make retractable hook have the passive to grant a second charge or let you choose to have shadowstep instead on that node.

But, no. No choices for Rogues. You will play how they tell you to.


this. like why add another charge or a free use after initial use, when it just clips out and is wasted basically more than half the time. but a demon hunter can just press their jump move anywhere and it be fine. its wack design and giga cringe to force outlaw into a even worse spot claiming we will get more mobility.

shadow step is a saving grace for the spec but designers seem to think otherwise. outlaw is a shell of anything it was supposed to be. its now a mid range gun class that doesnt even get a transmog or weapon option for the pistol and that does a whole lot of nothing besides spam BtE during a subterfuge window while having some of the highest APMs. and just for more “fun” they decide to make the worst part of the spec another focal point. roll the bones and keep it rolling. yay i love my RNG dependent class with a 7min CD on a button that only gets used when i have all 5 buffs up… combat rogue in MoP was peak and its been downhill since.


or reroll Sin or Sub, either pump aoe in mythics or pvp, no fun for outlaws here. :melting_face:

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I have done testing on the PTR and I can conclude that Grappling Hook only works with a little hop (to overcome most LoS issue), mouse over macro for speed to point to location and some luck.

That is indeed a step back.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I just play Feral PvP now. No need to try anymore

as a sub rogue, i’m glad to see outlaw lose something. It’s deserved

Fix to grappling hook is to make it behave like the warrior jump but animation look as we are going straight line.

Problem Fixed.

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If only I didn’t enjoy Outlaw enough to have just written a 14k word script on a video idea explaining how to play it. Maybe I’d half consider the swap then.

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As player of all rogue specs, I wish they would fix outlaw. The only talent I missed about outlaw as sub last season is grapple, and only slightly because it was already inconvenient as a point-and-click and unreliable (terrain, angle of the toon, glitch).

Outlaw already had less combat mobility without shadowstrike or a second shadowstep, less DPS, no decent DOT or AOE, and less CC (you realize outlaw already lost shadow dance?). That honestly didn’t leave a lot of benefits to playing the spec, except the rotation was dynamic and fun, and the spec felt tankier.

It’s not fun when I either have to cheat the fight, or else melt against a mobile ranged class because I can’t get/stay anywhere close enough to do more than shoot my pistol pathetically.


I just want some communication as to why they are doing what they are doing with basically any of the classes. Some actual feedback behind why you’re nerfing specific things when they do. As it looks to me, and a lot of others, the balancing is nonsense for every class right now.

If the devs can’t give concise, reasonable explanations behind nerfs, then the nerfs aren’t needed. And as it sits, they’ve nerfed now 3 or 4ish classes this expansion that just flat didn’t deserve it.

There was zero excuse to not making the change to Hook a talent node with an option to take it. Zero. None. Every single other class has been getting more utility options, except us, who keeps losing them. I actually feel like I lost a substantial chunk of my ability to stay close in a fight with it, grapple isn’t worth dealing with the failure rate vs sprint being roughly the same and guaranteed.

Stop taking options away. Give us more options, not less. It’s getting asinine at this point.


I’ve just accepted our dev is some clueless monkey in a room and he just throws his feces at a wall with a bunch of post it notes that say Nerf by 5-10%, Buff by 5-10%, Fix a bug (it’s a very small post it note), add a new bug (It’s almost the size of a billboard), make an asinine change. Wherever the :poop: lands, that’s what they do for the patch.


I keep hitting my shadowstep keybind and nothing happens. :sob: Grappling hook is no substitute. I hate it.


Hahahaha somehow I don’t doubt that


Not just this, but I think both Assa and Sub should get Grappling hook along with Shadowstep too. All rogues should have both. Isn’t a grappling hook just a general rogue thing? Why not give us more options?

People complained about too many buttons but I knew that BlizZard would go on another pruning spree to remove TOOLS/UTILITY.

Newsflash BlizZard people are complaining about too many buttons doing ROTATIONS and priority CDs for DPS for Rogues.

Shadow Step loss doesn’t help with button bloat not one bit. Especially with Outlaw. SND being a passive does more really to help specs flow better.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I think the worst part about the change is that it’s just flatly a net negative for some of us.

I have 90% of my buttons on my keyboard. I use my mouse for movement, tricks, and grapple.

Sorry, but when I’m in the middle of burning my rotation to the ground with 90+ apm, I am not going to sit and break the casts to try and get back in rage with hook unless I absolutely have to. The time it takes to cast and then pull is longer than it takes me to just sprint up and sigh in annoyance while forcing a Crackshot window to keep things moving.

They don’t play the spec. It’s obvious they don’t. Otherwise they’d have known how much this actually sucks.