Please dont question our trade requests

Look, I get it some people are new here, so some dont understand that when some of us want something made that requires the use of Chaos Orbs, that are BoP, we are not asking to buy Chaos Orbs we are asking to person who is making said item to use their Chaos Orbs for the item, which in turn we are giving them gold for. I just had someone question me as if I am an idiot and havent been doing this game for 20 years just for him to say “Well I dont see how you plan on making it when Orbs are BoP” meanwhile everyone else in trade chat is saying the exact same thing for their items.

I am not stupid, please do not talk to me as if I am.

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did u tell him u werent stupid op or are u just telling us?

Unless your paying the premium price for said item I don’t anyone wanting to use their own chaos orb for you

Ah market value = premium price