Please dont over nerf BM

Its the first day of the raid and if you’re looking at the dps ranks you’d think bm needs to be nerfed to the ground. Please dont overreact and destroy the class again.


Dont nerf BM at all.
we’re still using the old tier, nothing is balanced,
wait at least 2 weeks to see how things change once people re gear and acquire the new tier


Thinking of it, it might be something related to aug?
i ran keys with and wthout augs and augs just made me go absolutely crazy, (more than the usual, it boosts me more than the other DPS)

Augs buff main stat and crit which are good for BM. I know BM with an Aug does pop off for sure.

I do think BM will balance itself out as the tier progresses and everyone gets 4 set.

DISCLAIMER: BEASTMASTERY IS BUGGED ON LOGS. It’s not a bad spec by any means after the recent changes, but Kill Command is not reattributing Augmentation’s Ebon Might damage back to the Evoker and it’s making it look considerably better than it actually is.

Wait until the dust settles and see where each spec is.


They fixed the KC attibution issue in hotfixes today, no? Is this still happening?

Nerf them so hard their legs fall off.


Read this from another forum that this was what caused BM to be on top. If it fixed then not everyone must know.

Hate to say it, BM will be nerfed into the ground. They always do it.


If BM stays on top Blizzard will then. However, most other sites are claiming it will be middle tier.

Its not just Aug, we had no Augvoker tonight and our BM Hunter just wiped the floor with everyone by a wide margin.

Im talking like 15% to 30% ahead of the next closest person despite being one of the lower ilvl raiders.

I hope they dont overdo it but a nerf is 1000% incoming.


yea, i have noticed this with my group and watching streamers with BM in there raid, nerf is comming

BM is always relatively stronger in the beginning of a raid. The free movement allows near-perfect uptime on your rotation while still properly doing mechanics, where everyone else has to sacrifice at least some DPS, at least until the fights are familiar enough that you can more effectively time movement.

Give it a few weeks for everyone to learn the fights and get their 4pc.


its not the fact that they are ahead, but how much they are ahead, its a good fat amount.


You also have to consider, that as much as people deny it, BM is arguably the easiest spec to play in the game.

Ease of play
Perma mobility
90% of damage comes from a source that doesnt need to deal with mechanics

now you throw on top of it having the highest damage output by a fair margin, just all compounds together.


Exactly. One of the easiest of all specs in the game cant be that far ahead of everyone.

I saw a log of a high end mythic raid on a heroic boss. Several top 1% dps in taid. Several top 10% on that fight as well but none came close to the BM hunter.

Windwalker is currently one of the worst specs in the game right now… they where almost 50,000 damage behind. A few others where 30-40,000 behind. That group is about as apples to apples as you can get but the log looked like something out of LFR… one overgeared raider dunking on noobs.

I dont remember a single person saying BM was amazing so i suspect something is wonky with them.

Edit: phone autocorrect is pain

A lot of hunters coping out on these forums.

Nerf the brain dead spec already.


They always nerf Beast Mastery.

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Contrary to some players opinions, Blizzard has never said that the relative difficulty of classes and specs should have any bearing on their damage output. I know that makes some people upset, but it’s just not something Blizzard has seemingly ever subscribed to.

They have, at times, said that within a particular spec, choosing more active talents should feel ‘rewarding’. What they consider ‘rewarding’ is open to interpretation.


I’m sure they will here too, my hope is they will wait a couple weeks before they kneejerk overnerf and leave us without a competitive spec for an entire raid tier.