Please Don't Nerf The Mage Tower

Just a quick update, I just finally got the blessed RNG for 100% uptime on Kruul in p2, got the kill and I was dead off the side of the map when he died.

Somehow I survived 4 annihilates, I took the second one with no CD to try to live the fourth, second one dropped me to like 2% hp.

Definitely overtuned, I would never tell any of my friends to try to do these right now.

It’s like those people who say magetower is fine showing off their dps warrior and elemental shaman transmogs while it’s two of the ones actually not being overtuned. But who really cares as they will nerf it soon. No point trying and hitting a wall for 100 tries on others just to have it devalued and having the same nonsense “I done it when it came out, you in 7.3”.

I feel like that really is what is going on, people who think it is fine are probably people who did the better tuned ones.

I am sure there are people who also just want an insanely hard challenge, but it is a timewalking event so I am not sure it should be quite this hard.


Yup and AoE was nerfed to hell in BFA/SL so my whole cleave strat isn’t working too well because he makes mobs faster than I can burn them + I need to ST burn Raest, while running away from Karam(Karen), also need to focus Hands because they one shot me from anywhere and btw don’t forget the runes (that you need to step on) that can still summon a one shot monster that even when I put my pet on will still sometime summon.

It why I’ve been saying: if we had our legendaries/artifacts it’d be challenging, but fair.

Having the Prot Warrior tower done, I can say it definietly could do with a sizeable nerf without it trivializing the encounter.

I did not enjoy doing this tower, it was more RNG than anything else and I can only imagine how much worse it would have been without SoO gear.

Other than the druid one, the rest don’t matter.

Have the original so at the end of the day, I will get fel bear whenever.

I wouldn’t say it needs a nerf, but it does need retuning to match what the originally said. They originally said you would not need to farm out a timewalking gear set (pieces of gear that have lots of sockets or that scale really well to lower ilvl) but it should still be a challenge.

I don’t mind a challenge but the way alot of the fights are right now, you do infact need those extra sockets or trinkets/proc items that scale really well. ontop of that some of the fights dont line up with the toolkits that are currently avalible to certain classes, IE outlaw rogue still being aoe capped in a heavy aoe fight. Some classes have a much easier time with the same fight, ie outlaw rogue vs fury warrior.

overall the fights would be fun if they were tunned the way bliz said they would be. They need to find a balance between the classes on each fight, and fix it so its challenging while not requiring old gear that has a once a week chance to drop on an event thats only up for 1 week every 18 weeks (2 weeks this time cause first time bonus)

I actually farmed out a set of TW gear on every class because I like doing speedy timewalking dungeons with friends, I do agree with you though.

I have never bothered with a timewalking set personally. I find as long as 1 or 2 people in a timewalking dungeon know the fights it goes pretty quickly without anyone having a tw set. ya sure a tw set would probably make it faster but I personally cant be bothered to farm out a once a week drop from multiple raids and then do it again on multiple characters :confused:

When I do them with friends we go big speed, big pulls, big fun.

Timewalking dungeons are more fun than timewalking mage towers NGL.

heh, I belive it. havent had a chance to do a tw M+ yet but I look forward to trying them out

I really like the WoD TW dungeons, they are pretty low on mechanics/interrupts so you can just pretend challenge modes still exist and pull the entire world.

Gz! but wdym 100% uptime? You should always have full uptime on kruul; there’s no RNG-it’s all controllable.

Yep! you can take the first two WITHOUT cds on every tank class. THat’s intentional. You need to have CDs for 3&4 and try to kill before 5th.

Also, consumables are massive.