Please don't leave Enhancement in the dust again

Can we please see some buffs for enhancement this time around? Now that every class can bring all the same buffs enhance were niche for, there’s nearly no reason to bring one since their damage barely competes to most melee class.

I’m not asking to make them S tier damage dealers, but to let them stand on their own. I suggest the easiest buff to be made is to include spell hit with mental quickness, or dual welding like in SoD. It felt horrible in Wrath having to achieve 17% hit, and it’s going to feel worse in cata. Giving 6% or 10% spell hit along with melee hit will allow enhance shamans to stack more mastery which will feel a lot better.

There’s a lot of nice quality of life buffs to enhance in SoD, and Id love to see the same love in Cata and so on.

Oh, Cata. I was wondering which version of the game you were talking about…

What happens in Cata with Enhancement? Since we’re getting final patch talent progression, what are the expectations for performance? Do you think they’ll make changes to enhance like they did to feral in Wrath? I’m curious why they did that, tbh… not really complaining, but it’s different from how it was.


Well Cata is a true iteration of “bring the player not the class”. Bloodlust is on both a hunter pet and a mage now. Shaman totem buffs and unleashed rage are across multiple classes, and they lose the ability to dispel poisons and disease (but retain offensive magic dispel in all specs and gain defensive magic dispel in resto, with priests). They retain the Swiss Army knife of buffs and utility though, rolled into a unique melee dps package. Enhancement isn’t gcd locked like fire mages are and it’s a dps loss to ask the fire pumping mage to hit time warp when the enhance can squeeze it in seamlessly.

Enhance has reasonable sustain dps but lacks on demand burst. What it does not lack is bringing a plethora of buffs and a 5 second kick in wind shear. They can slot nicely in 10mans and have a spot in 25s too. They also have really good cleave and soak mail agility gear, only sharing it with hunters.

The threat to enhancement is overhyped. They’re good in 4.3.4 and are useful in all tiers of raiding and 5man content.