Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

Dude, not MY understanding… literally Masters and Johnson one. Who I think are waaay more capacitated to issue opinions that you and me both.

Also, if you think making a lowkey insult makes your argument better, then I´m afraid you are mistaken… again.

Are you implying sexual fetishes -yes like BDSM- are lifelong “mental illnesess” per se?

And he calls me “gross” /facepalm

“I don´t have an argument so I resort to insulting you!!”

I repeat: insulting ME doesn´t make my argument any less valid… and you guys any less desperate with the aforementioned whining.Causae it was YOUR side the one to cry like a colicky baby at the idea of Turalyon getting depicted as an antagonist not even a villain, merely an antagonist ffs!!

Sure dude cause WE saidf anything regarding your sexuality… NOT.

On the other hand, we DID say your obssesion with “owning” (keyword: POSSESION) a virtual landscape in this game is SO out of the scale it looks as if it constitued indeed some sort of errr… “stimulation”. Otherwise your wouldn´t insist SO bad on it.

You haven’t actually cited them in any meaningful way.


You are really prone to misunderstanding, lol. I was talking about OCD. Which you compared to BDSM.

I called the misunderstanding gross. You should be able to tell the difference.

I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about Erevien. If you identified that with yourself, that speaks to your own insecurities.

I’m not on a side. I’m fine if he becomes a villain. But I don’t think it necessary either.

It’s because they aren’t arguing in good faith hth


I don’t know about you all, but my medulla oblongata positively vibrates during psychological forum analyses.


Do you mean your Hypothalamus?

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I actually googled that before posting but I thought medulla oblongota was a funnier word so I took some comedic liberty. :stuck_out_tongue:


haha okay because if your spine and lungs are tingling you should probably go to the hospital.


Positively vibrating.


This is quite literally the best conversation on the entire Thread. Thank you both so much for this gift! :rofl:


Unless you’re Anduin.



that’s between him and the Light, that’s none of your business.


Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld” series used black and white morality. Would you call that series simplistic? Or The Lord of the Rings? Shades of grey exist, but so do black and white. The historical facts I shared were to highlight and expose your views. I accused you of anti-religious bigotry but not racism, and it was based on evidence; I mentioned race because you brought it into the discussion and because the Spanish Inquisition has also been used as an excuse for racism against Hispanic people.

I never said Yrel and Turalyon wouldn’t get depicted as fanatics and/or villain batted, I said it shouldn’t happen because it clashes with the lore (including Warcraft’s pre-WoW/Vanilla lore) and it’s is a bad idea; remember that next time you quote-mine me.

You rightly say humans as a whole are brutal and capable of using any excuse to commit atrocities against religious groups… so why do you practice selective outrage/a double standard where you single out certain groups of people and only one religion for criticism?

“Gods prefer simple, vicious games, where you Do Not Achieve Transcendence but Go Straight To Oblivion; a key to the understanding of all religion is that a god’s idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs.” - Terry Pratchett.

You need to read more Terry Pratchett. I’m a huge fan of his works and all of them are very tongue in cheek about religion, he’s an outspoken atheist. His collaboration with Neil Gaiman was Good Omens (a fantastic book and a series) which was basically mocking Christianity through the friendship of an angel and a demon, it was supposed to be a real life parody of his friendship with fellow atheist or possible occultist, Gaiman. Gaiman’s novels lean more to esotericism and occult. While it could be interpreted that Pratchett supported a black and white view of Heaven and Hell in some of his works, a lot of his works present both heaven and Hell as “the bad place” and angels and demons are just different heads of the same beast.


Yrel and Turalyon getting depicted as fanatics and/or villain batted does **not ** clash with the lore (including Warcraft’s pre-WoW/Vanilla lore). It’s not a bad idea.


It doesn’t really need to directly contradict the lore to be something that isn’t set up at all, which was the case for Yrel and is the case for Turalyon.

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But the Light’s capacity for zealotry was set up when they introduced the Scarlet Crusade and the idea that the Light rewards conviction/belief above all things.

What wasn’t set up ahead of time was the existence of an alternate reality Draenor and the existence of Yrel. Or Turalyon having spent the past 1000 years leading an interdimensional battle against the Legion with a ship full of never before head of super Draenei. And never was it established that either character are incapable of making decisions or holding beliefs that could threaten/harm others or the world at large.

That doesn’t have anything to do with Yrel or Turalyon. “People can be zealous, therefore these specific people are zealous” is just asinine.

I’m not against a Light-focused zealot antagonist in principle I’m just not sure what’s with people’s obsession with putting Turalyon in that role


Turalyon and Yrel were both the leaders of the Lightforged/Lightbound and reported directly to Xe’ra/AU Xe’ra, who as we saw from the moment of their introduction, is a zealous Naaru that uses the Light to transmogrify people in order to further her aims. Yrel’s currently running all of AU Draenor with her army. Turalyon is currently sitting on the throne of Stormwind and has the Scarlet Brotherhood actively campaigning for usurpation. Both characters are also already veterans of decades (or centuries) long crusades. And both have been shown being willing to torture civilians to achieve their goals.

At this point, the really asinine decision would be creating an entirely new character who also happens to be a champion of Xe’ra and also happens to be in potential command of an army of Light wielders. All so that Yrel and Turalyon can remain untouched- even if only temporarily.


There are lots of people who reported to Xe’ra. Xe’ra is also no longer around and her influence on Turalyon does not seem to have been notable in the way that you’re implying.

The Scarlet Brotherhood are a laughable reference to Facebook conspiracy theories

And none of what you’re describing actually meshes with Turalyon’s personality or stated motivations at all. The people who seem to think that Turalyon “fits” a villain role seem to also be people who have interacted with him the least.

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It really doesn’t, unless all you’re doing is considering Human and Dreanei branches of Light reverence and worship. While giving excuses for why the Scarlet’s “Don’t Count”. And as mentioned on another thread, if “Demonic Manipulation” is enough to invalidate pre-established darker shades of Light worship, then why isn’t “Demonic Manipulation” enough to invalidate the condemnation you have for Orcish Spirit and Elemental Reverance? Especially when, of the two forces, only ONE of them cut off their followers from that power in response to the horrific actions they took while under Demonic sway. And it sure as hell was not the Light.

Wouldn’t that mean by your own metrics that the “savage” Draenor Orcish Spirits and Elements are actually more inherently benevolent than the Light? Considering they saw what their faithful were doing and were like “NO, NO NO NO! You’re completely cutoff. That’s horrific!”. And the Light was like “Meh, yeah, you’re fine Scarlets. You do you, just do you with conviction”.

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