Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

Lasti time I saw Souther Hillsbrad is kinda still in Horde control dude. Tirisfal Glades an abandoned wasteland. Plaguelands STILL in Argent control.

Which effectively means Alliance control Stromgarde and Gilneas… the rest? Nah.

So I´m afraid Lordaeron is NOT yours… not the Horde´s either tbqh. By territorial control alone, it´s the Argents´.

Next time avoid believing the words of the “genius” that proclamated the ownership of a Blight infested territory while he forgot to bring the gas mask to avoid getting killed by the Blight.


Given that the Knights of the Silver Hand sided with the Alliance in the Battle of Stromgarde a credible argument could be made that the Argents have sided with the Alliance as well, given that that is where the bulk of the Knights of the Silver Hand are concentrated.

Makes it kind of weird though that Horde have Argents that help them in the portal room for Wrath-era Dalaran. :neutral_face:

Well it’s also a portal that leads back in time so maybe that has something to do with it

It is not. And it never will be. Nobody cares about your wet fantasies.


The lordaeron for the alliance trope. It is forsaken turf. Nothing will change that.

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Why are you calling it a wet fantasy?

If I may hypothesize, maybe because the Dwarf is so obscenely obssesed with “owning” Lordaeron than frankly it looks uncomfortably similar to irl sexual fetishes or something.

The decission making of the Silver Hand is literally irrelevant to actual lore canon facts establising the Argent Crusade as some “pro Alliance only” organization. That´s just your headcanon man. And as such, useless for the rest of us. And especially to this conversation.

Enjoy having sacked out Sylvanas, cause that´s the ONLY thing you people achieved as per canon lore. The rest? Yeah no, fantasies of questionable origin.


So wanting to possess land equates to BDSM or something?
I don’t see how those seem similar at all.

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Because that is what it is. In his fantasy all of the eastern kingdoms belong to the alliance. Which is wrong at the core since Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken and Quel’thalas to the blood elves. Alliance has already more then enough lands to call their own with Stormwind and Khaz’modan. They don’t need even more.

Lordaeron is pretty much radioactive uber death slime now, and Quel’thalas is really just a region in Outland, and both factions are covering it up.

When it´s ONLY a desire born from OCD possesiveness? Sure. It´s certainly NOT a coherent logical stance to take lorewise speaking… no decent leader would saddle it´s kingdom with that just for the sake of ownership. That type of stupid mentality is what causes kings to lose their heads in popular political revolutions.


Imagine being so brain poisoned by faction slapfighting in a video game that you start to see your opponents as mentally deranged IRL

The ignore function doesn’t work as well when you reply to Erevien’s posts

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What part of that is wet?

You think BDSM is derived from OCD…

It´s a fetish, derived indeed from compulsive behavior, so yes?

I put the OCD part because he´s ridiculously invested -indeed obssesive- and not for any coherent reason whatsoever.

That’s a gross misunderstanding of the sexuality, lol.

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Nope, that´s me remembering Masters and Johnson Sexual Enciclopedy.

Compulsive behaviour is not “gross” per se, is just different. BDSM and other fetishess when controlled outside of the unhealthy repetition are actually healthy representations of sexuality. The problem is when people has NO control over their impulses.

Like the Dwarf obssesed with sticking it out to Horde players cause “muh toxic wasteland!!” for example

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You’ve misunderstood again. I said your understanding is gross, not that compulsive behavior is gross.

Anything controlled outside unhealthy repetition would be healthy.
The difference is comparing a consensual practice with what can be a lifelong mental illness.

Or a Blood Elf obsessed with whining and bad arguments.

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Throwing bizarre accusations of sexual dysfunction at strangers on the internet because they said their video game faction controls land in a video game

And I’M supposedly the deranged one