The Sermon of the High Exarch (which again, is the only window we have as of yet into Yrel and the Lightbound’s goals and ideology) like it or not does seem to corroborate what Geya’rah has said about them so far. As does their extending that crusade beyond just the prior Iron Horde; waiting 20+ years to start such an endeavor; and total lack of mention of the Crystallization of Draenor (or the Iron Horde for that matter) in that Sermon as motivations.
Also, while it may not be the Lightbound that are responsible for the crystallization of that planet, there doesn’t seem to be anything to point to that would explain it from the AU Mag’har side of the fence. It could truly just be a consequence of it being a false-timeline, but … the Elements of Draenor are touchy. Its not that difficult to throw them out of wack, especially with an additive Cosmological Force like Fel or (presumably) Light. Truly, the crystallization of Draenor may very well be the byproduct of that oversaturation of the Light domain effecting the balance of the Elements on that planet. Just as oversaturation of Fel in the MU really threw them for a loop.
It may be written by Yrel, but we only see a fraction of it and it leaves out a lot of info. Maybe Yrel’s a bad record-keeper lol
The Warlords were/are villains, most of them were warmongering racial supremacists (Ner’zhul not so much, but he still went along with them). But yes, Blizzard should have given them some more prominent characters who aren’t villains.
And what was the source of Alleria’s vision? How do we know it’s reliable? Plus worlds of lifeless crystal doesn’t sound like what Yrel was talking about if we assume the snippet from her book is accurate.
All we have is still tenuous. It looks like Blizzard is using the power of bad writing to have the narrative bend over backwards to try and villain bat the Draenei and the Light “pay no attention to the other lore that contradicts the story we want you to focus on.” Both Geya’rah and what little of that book we’re allowed to read are very contrived, and the Lightbound still have a point - AU Draenor wasn’t some noblebright land of the free before the Draenei launched their crusade (a crusade can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the situation).
AU Draenor wasn’t crystallized, just more barren, something that deforestation can do. It’s funny that you acknowledge the large amount of Fel in AU Draenor - just the Dark Portal turned a swamp into a desert, but AU has a whole jungle full of fel, including a Fel-tainted elemental shrine near AU Hellfire Citadel - but are still determined to pin AU Draenor’s decline on the Light.
Small correction, although this probably makes it worse: The lifeforms sealed in crystal weren’t lifeless, but were instead frozen in place for all eternity, “sustained by the light and unable to die.” I think the wording indicates that they’re still conscious and aware of what’s going on, but it’s an “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” scenario of them unable to move because it would ruin the pristine perfection imposed on them.
The Mag’har orcs that are frozen in time get a similar “buff” called Blessing of Eternity.
It’s a quote from Alleria’s audio drama, “A Thousand Years of War.”
To be fair, that’s the void showing her, but I think it does line up with what the player sees directly on a smaller level in the Mag’har recruitment scenario.
I checked wowhead, and Blessing of Eternity is just being frozen in place in a Light bubble, not encased in crystal. Since it’s during a conflict I’d say that’s a weapon, not standard procedure, and could even be reversible. I’d take anything from the Void with a massive grain of salt.
This would also line up with the idea that “Light” (as a cosmological force) isn’t just about a single linear path (which path that is is disputed), but also has a bit of a “stasis” edge. To compliment the Void’s infinite branching paths, and “change” edge. Blizz has really dialed back the straight “Good” and “Evil” homages with these two, and the current angle I find more conceptually interesting. And might explain the development of the Eradar species absurd lifespans. As Light can absolutely be used for evil acts, or by evil men. Its just a matter of conviction. That’s been a staple for ages, its just never been explored.
If anything, overindulgence to the Light can lead to Fanaticism; while overindulgence to the Void can lead to Insanity. Its a neat concept. Especially with the Naaru, who are no longer portrayed as a monolith.
The crystal idea might work that way, but there’s not enough to go on.
I checked wowhead, and Blessing of Eternity is just being frozen in place in a Light bubble, not encased in crystal. Since it’s during a conflict I’d say that’s a weapon, not standard procedure, and could even be reversible. Since it’s the Void attributing that to the Light, I’d take anything from the Void with a massive grain of salt.
Not in the same expansion though, gonna have to be in the Neutral expansion after the Horde is forced to let the Alliance get away with everything it did with no recompense. Fair is fair. And then we’ll do it all again with 2 more expansions.
I was talking about Cata and MoP. BFA was a clustercluck for both Factions and no one won in that one. But keep trying, your over the top simp posts are extremely amusing for now, you’ll get that ban soon, evasion is against the rules ya’ know.
Sylvanas left the the Horde and now the Horde council is in charge of the Horde of whom two members are best buddies with Jaina and Anduin. I think it is save to say that the Alliance won Bfa by a mile.
I don’t know, to me losing lands that were not part of the armistice(as far as we know they have literally been silent on this stuff for a reason), and not bringing a single perpetrator of the war and an actual genocide to justice, doesn’t seem much like a “victory” to me. It seems more like what Blizzard and every in game person called it; an “armistice”.
And before you even try it: Armistice: an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.
Ashenvale belongs to the Alliance again. Tyrande would have killed much more Horde people if that was not the case.
Saurfang is dead. Nathanos is dead. Sylvanas will most likley die soon too. That covers everyone responsible for the attack on Teldrassil.
You got the best victory possible which wasn’t deleting the opposing faction from the game entirley. Blizzard can just do as much to portray these things.
Not exactly hard evidence but…the status of Ashenvale is explicitly not mentioned by Tyrande when she talks to Thrall in Shadows Rising. Which may suggest that the Night Elves have reclaimed it by now.
Seriously, I suggest the open door on “wailing on the Horde” … just as long as such an environment is used to its proper effect to develop our laughably underdeveloped roster … and somehow that’s an unreasonable proposition. I guess because some Alliance players truly have convinced themselves that what they are asking for is what the Horde got in BfA? If that’s the case, I don’t know what to tell you?
Also, the reason the Alliance didn’t get to “punish” the Horde is because the writers themselves punished us so mercilessly already that any more damage might truly just narratively sterilize the faction at this point. We were punished (for Blizz’s choices), by Blizz themselves … just not the Alliance.