Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

Nobody is in those lands needs to be pushed out because nobody lives there.

They were human lands before and the Argents want it to be human lands once again.


I kinda doubt that. There’s a pretty good smattering of all the playables now and it has the highest number of undead NPCs outside the Forsaken. Also no shortage of Belves either.

The Forsaken only get annoyed by the Cenarions as they’re doing too good a job restoring the place and that’s attracting Alliance settlers. The Forsaken prefer things haunted, not cursed. The medium rare of spooky. Full cursed and nothings ever getting done there.

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So is Tirisfal Glades. And that’s the point. Do you really think that those who still wish to reclaim Lordaeron are going to be satisfied with solely the Breadbasket portions of it … without the crown jewel of the Capital? Even if they would not say it, the inherent goal is to push the Undead entirely out of those territories. To reclaim what was lost. And it might be subtle and slow, but if Humans weren’t so inhumanly flawless … that would be the end result.

Wyrmrest Accord is linked with Moon Guard, which is crazy heavily Alliance, so it creates a rather unhappy situation. Most servers are Horde-imbalanced, but RP servers (or MG in particular at least) is very heavily Alliance-tilted, so they get the rewards for Alliance being outnumbered everywhere else without actually being outnumbered.

Apparently this is even worse in Oceanic servers, which are wholly Alliance-dominated but for some reason counted in the NA server region.


Yeah that’s why Hearthglen is a multi cultural rainbow of every playable race. They certainly have human architecture but that’s just aesthetics.

The idea that the Argents are secretly human supremacist sympathizers is asinine. Because that’s what the Brotherhood of Light is. They’re a midway between the Argents and Scarlets.

The Argents inclusion of all races, scientific approach to combating the undead and general forward thinking attitude are explicitly highlighted as reasons they’ve succeeded where the Scarlets failed.

Keep in mind Tirion was so honorable that he let his own life get ruined to help out Etrigg, who he recognized as a good man and not just an Orc. The Argents welcomed undead into their ranks even in Vanilla, and many held officers positions.

In the quest where you attempt some peace talks with the Scarlets hosted by the Brotherhood of Light the Argents are visibly disgusted by the Scarlets casual racism toward Tauren. When they pop up as random NPCs it’s always a smattering of red and blue PCs.

They’re a lawful good, we’re here to help, let’s all get along faction.


I never said they were. But that doesn’t change the reality that yes, their established intent in the Plaguelands is the repair them in preparation for Human Resettlement. And once that happens, I’m sorry it doesn’t matter what the Argents want. If Humans aren’t these inhumanly perfect beings, then it is only a matter of time before the human settlers themselves start pushing the Undead in the area out. Because the Undead themselves are unliving reminders of what was lost during the Scourge. As well as of Human mortality. And as long as they remain present, even if some of them reconnect with families and friends, they will remain that symbol. And will inevitably be pushed out.

It may be slow, and subtle (if they’re lucky), but it is very likely to happen. After all, even Anduin struggled to find a handful of volunteers for the Gathering (and of those, only two families genuinely reconnected). And as much as a rising minority population of humans hate and fear the Forsaken for what they’ve done as Forsaken … the majority still hates and fears them because of the Scourge.

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Well the argents are dead anyway.
Now its the Knights of the Silverhand and they were fighting the Horde in BFA.

So you’re suggesting what? The Alliance will attack the Argent Dawn, seize their holdings and attempt an ethnic cleansing? SI:7 will infiltrate Hearthglen to instigate race riots?

I get the SL prepatch was forgettable but you are just materially incorrect.

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It kind was weird to me that the Argents were so racially diverse.

I skipped prepatch. They are back again?
I only started playing like last month.

This … too. Like it or not, both the events of Legion and BfA have taken a catastrophic tole on the Argent Crusade. The Knights of the Silver Hand have thoroughly thrown off neutrality, and as a result the status of the Argents themselves remains hazy. They still exist, but it remains very unclear how much influence they truly retain. Especially with that political rift forming once again with the Silver Hand.

You know I would like it if there would be a small group of Argent crusaders who have had enough of Alliance and Horde and plot to overthrow both of them in one way or another to forcefully unite them under the Argent banner.

What? No. The Silver Hand is a completely different organization. During Legion the different paladin orders came together under the banner of the Silver Hand but after the invasion was over everyone returned to their original group.

We have the Argent Crusade who remains neutral, the Silver Hand and the vindicators of the draenei who are both fighting under the banner of the Alliance, and the Blood knights and the Sunwalkers who both fight for the Horde. All of them independent from one another.


Both of yall pint sized posters are out of your minds, and I’ll be back to write a long butt response when I’ve the time.

Why are you taking this to an extreme. I never said “cleans” or “eradicate”, merely “push out”. Human settlers themselves (as their numbers continue to increase and the balance of power shifts in the region), will inevitably begin placing more and more pressure on the Undead in the Area. And like it or not, that will likely result in the slow but systematic “getting out” of the Undead. As Humans “reclaim what is theirs”.

I mean, as one of our favorite Dwarven MHPs on here likes to remind us. Reclaiming Lordaeron isn’t just about rebuilding a lost Human Kingdom, but to cleaning one of humanities greatest mistakes and failures. To wipe clean the slate. And if that is the case, then the Forsaken being embodiments of that wont be spared the pressure of that sort of “manifest destiny” ideology. They are mistakes and failures. Ugly reminders of what many humans would like to put far, FAR behind them.


Thank you. I’ve actually some thoughts about the Argents future I’ll make into a new thread where I’ll cover this at length.

But yeah the Legion Knights were multi ethnic. Clearly they went back to their respective factions after the war with the Alliance keeping the Silver Hand name because of course they would. That doesn’t make the Argents political all of a sudden.

It’s possible a Argent might also fight for the Horde or Alliance, as a private citizen on their own time. But just like with Death Knights it’s not like Archerus becomes a battle zone because some DKs help their hometowns out.

I don’t get what’s hard to understand about this. IRL I’m pretty active politically but I’m not at my job. Because that’s not really what we’re trying to accomplish there.

The Argents are the Alliance but neutral

Similar but in a different way than Dalaran.

Speaking of which, hey, forget Alterac and Lordaeron for the moment. Lets talk getting the “neutral” out of Dalaran. Floating cities are overrated, and I’d much rather fall back on the Horde Elves. Who should have been filling our “Dalaran” needs ages ago; but especially now with the Nightborne addition.


If we ever do get a world revamp sometime after SL, especially reflecting the new Alliance territorial holdings in Lordaeron, they should put Dalaran back in the crater and be done with it already.

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I’m a proponent of the Horde getting Naxxramas as their flying city to replace Undercity.

And this isn’t just a case of me dumping things I don’t want onto the Horde, I would actually be low-key kind of jealous of the Horde in this scenario since I love Naxx so much I’d AFK there if I could.