Please Don't give Alliance Night Elf Dark Rangers

Oooh my apologies, that is my mistake. I mean if we get dark rangers of course alliance could get something cool. Tbh i been thinking for years on which side naga should go on. There is only 1 reason to go horde and 1 reason to go alliance. For Horde to spite the night elves, for alliance to come back to night elves and seek forgivness after azshara. TBH i’d like to see the alliance part where they want to earn forgiveness. Or if not naga perhaps Broken Draenei? Or bring back hogger with gnolls! Or… the Jinyu!

Anyways i’m sorry thanks for politely pointing that out!


No worries at all :heart:

My issue with the naga is that the in-game NPCs look quite outdated and poor and I’m not sure I’d like a race with a lizard-like tail instead of legs lol. I do like Aszhara’s model though! So if they looked more like that maybe I’d dig in

I like the idea of Ethereals as a race, I think they’d have great potential with all the different colours they can be found in.

I also actually quite dig the idea of Gnolls and Sethrak. I know Brigante on EU would’ve loved Gnolls to be added before he passed away. But I think he wanted them for the Horde.

But when looking at the death thematic of this expac and the draconic thematic of the next, the only races I can think off that would fit are Darkfallen, High elves and Ethereals. Some people still want High elves to be their own thing, but it could well be a wasted race slot. But then again I don’t see why they could not be added if Horde were to get a separate Thalassian race like Darkfallen. It kind of makes sense with Vereessa and Alleria being closer to each other now and being more understanding towards Sylvanas.

OMG I’d sooooo play this, next main it’d be. Hope if they are added they can be Neutral

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I do really really want them
They would be an awesome addition to the game

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Let’s see…Gnoll warrior, Gnoll shaman, Gnoll warlock…

Hmmm… Naga isn’t so something I agree would go alliance, but we could use something like rukmer arakoa or a monsters race like half dreanei/orc


I agree, Dark Rangers are redundant, since Hunters are here.

What we need is the return of Sira and Dark Wardens!

(I love Sira in Shadows Rising. She is my WoW spirit animal)


Melee have plenty of specs to choose from.

Casters have plenty of specs to choose from.

Ranged weapon users? 2 specs. That’s it. The game really could use an alternative to Hunter.

If Deathknights are more than just undead warriors, Dark Rangers are more than just undead hunters.

Can I add night elf heritage armor?

We lost our city can we get some armor? Seriously it’s not a huge ask.

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Why would they give Blood Elves or Night Elves Dark Rangers when its a Undead thing?

You people head cannon is driving me nuts. This makes about as much sense as infused VOID, Void Elves being Paladins, smh.

But, but, but Nasgrim there is traitors and people who are rebels who go against the norms :roll_eyes:


If you give us High Elves and Highborne Races for Void Elves and Night Elves. I’m sure people will love the Dark Rangers on the Horde more.

Are you saying that as a good thing? i dunno man, like I don’t want more night elf based races…what if they utilize the fan art for new High elf rigs and give us Half elves or something. With Lightforged options like Paladin, tattoos etc?

You mean on Void Elves since they have small ears?

No, as a separate race. Lightforged Half Elves? With a new rig, not the belf rig

Why do people believe so strongly in dark rangers to begin with?

Whats your evidence?

instead of making more “races” to keep them lore-wise forgot, they better make lore for the ones we already have, without lore and stuck in the past races are empty husks

I think Wardens would be the logical choice and give them charkram weapons that are Alliance only.

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It would also make some sense they would have different face structure too. Smaller ears alone does not equate to half elves.

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If it helps I don’t want nelf DRs because they are traitors. But the idea that belf dark rangers would join the alliance is nonsense. The ones who aren’t loyal to sylvanas are loyal to the blood elves and the horde.

Tbh I don’t understand peoples fascination with the blood elf model. Dark Ranger (belf), Void elf, High Elf, San’layn, like Chillllllllll bruhhhhhh. I got like 3 blood elves out of 12 classes. You can make any race extremely attractive, edgy, cool, or normal. Other than fan girl “OMG ITS A ELF!!!” The only great thing about blood elves outside their lore (which other races have amazing lore too) is that its the only Horde race that’s extremely close to the human model… which all armor designs are based off of. So bigger / smaller races never look better in the armor outside heritage armors for each race.