Please don't force me into a neighbourhood

Have you tried not being antisocial?

Same. I wanna live on 1000 acres with no neighbors.

real rp’ers dont need in game housing. they rp that they have a house. git gud!

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Based on what I heard there are private and public neighborhoods which means that you could just start a private one right?

Idk we will see once midnight reveal happens in like August or whenever in the timeline it was.

Yes it is, some people like their privacy and having nosy neighbours is one of the worst things to have.


oh no…someones kid looked at you. the horror.

Again parents need to teach their kids mind their own business.

Sesame Street has been bought to you by the letters E V I L and the numbers 666

We’ve got a nice one in the works. For a simple fee of 6k a day, I can get you on the waiting list.

omg what ya gonna do now buddy?

Put you on ignore permanently because I don’t have the time of day to deal with a pathetic troll.

Have you heard of the Holy Light?

every game with instanced housing has a better system than what has been announced. with neighborhoods and no instanced housing, you get houses. wow, cool, it’s housing right? sounds great? actually, it sucks. because you’re stuck in a neighborhood, you will never get a unique location, or a location from the game itself. you will get a box that everyone else has, and that’s it.

in ESO, i have many houses, one of which is a dark brotherhood sanctuary, which is basically a hollowed out cave made into a living area. this could never fit into a neighborhood, so any area like this is out.

i have entire manors. i have a grotto on a beach with a ship. there is a house that IS a sailing ship. a beach with a lighthouse. think they’ll manage a neighborhood of beaches with lighthouses? think you’ll ever have your own beach? no, you’ll have a series of boxes next to other people’s series of boxes to stuff junk in. wowzer.

it’s like blizzard looked at ffxiv’s terrible housing system, said, “we’ll make one awful feature better” (availability), and then decided that was a good implementation. i get that most wow players have never touched another mmo, but many games have had infinitely better systems than what they’re trying to push on us as some kind of “update”. it’s not. it’s basically the same system daoc implemented over 20 years ago, which was fine 20 years ago, but is not fine now.


Mr. Rogers would be sad.


I believe (don’t quote me here, because I have not been following the neighborhoods idea very long) that Blizzard said you can make Guild Neighborhoods too. So, what I would suggest would be (if it works this way - huge caveat) create a guild, kick everyone but yourself out, when housing comes out, make a guild neighborhood for you and…you.

I’m in a very very small guild of about 5 or 6 active players and while we plan on expanding the guild a bit to account for housing, we aren’t pushing to be some guild with 100+ active players. I like doing the delves, dungeons and raids, but when I am in my house, much like you, I want to be left the “funkopops” alone. A few close friends, and that’s about it.

I have to agree with the elf player this whole thing honestly sounds like a powder keg waiting to blow up. Odds are it’s going to be another gold sink furniture wise maybe even add some for real world tender. I just hope it stays away from the trading post.

what im most sad about…is they took all this time…and are giving us a grand total of. TWO LOCATIONS AND TWO THEMES TO START.

wasnt this announced back in start of dragonflight they were working on it…you guys had HOW MANY YEARS TO DEVELOP ASSETS? and we just get orc and human?
and the durotar and stormwind areas?
this is quite frankly pathetic.

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They have said that we’ll get more eventually.

I feel your pain. After 50+ years I got new neighbors last year. Young couple that has on idea what respect is. I play WOW to escape also. Sadly, Blizzard is a profit driven company and they will look for the cheapest, most cost efficient way to design and program with very little consideration to quality. Look at Pathfinder…

/wipes tears from eyes

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lets engage in an exercise here. realistically they have 2-3 more expansions. midnight and titan. in those 4-6 years DO YOU REALLY EXPECT THEM TO DEDICATE MOST OF THEIR RESOURCES to pumping out player housing content when for the last 20yrs they’ve been focused on endgame mostly? yeah sure we might get troll tauren forsaken.gnome,dwarven and night elven themed ones but thatll probably be it before they start winding down reducing staff. if you seriously think this is get much expansion on it outisde of maybe adding ironforge area and forsaken starting area and thats probably gonna be it unless it turns out to be massively profitable.

if this had been 5-10 yrs ago…sure…lets face it…wow doesnt have a lot longer to go on.and im being very generous with that third expansion.

whats wrong with pathfinder?

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