Please Don't Ever Revive the Dead! Thanks!

I’m in the camp of all or nothing. You either restore the toons for everyone who died during that timeframe or nobody. Kinda leaning toward the latter.

Constant danger when it comes to doing hardcore on any online game. Remember all those D3 HC deaths due to server-side issues? Had any of those characters been restored for anyone ever? If not, the same should apply here. Just another danger of playing hardcore while being tethered to (and at the mercy of) an online service.

What is the point of such a semantic argument about how one defines a server crash?

Ive been playing classic for over 4.5 years since 2019 launch, and have never seen entire raid groups have simultaneous issues inside of instanced content before SOD development began.

Why is it happening now? And why has there been no real communication about this event, the SOD bloodmoon event causing hc/era server instability, or the death alert channel causing critical errors?

Just a note, I was running death alerts as well. No issues.

I’m not saying all is well and yes dying to lag stinks, but we all knew what we were getting into when we signed up.

And reviving dead toons for ANY reason would instantly make the game something other than Hard Core.

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Honestly not sure when this entitlement of players started to get so bad. Have played for years, seen all kinds of crashes everything, have never seen a company come out and really explain anything for the types of issues people usually experience on the HC server, they didn’t need to, they still don’t. At best you will see something if they are taking the servers offline outside of normal maintenance hours, and even then, it would be rare unless there is some sort of abuse going on. Them coming out and saying anything also would have zero positive effect, it would just get the angry haters and trolls something to rant about, and make them more demanding in the future, as no good deed goes unpunished.

Finally in my opinion, the day they do anytime of rollback, HC is dead and they just might as well flip the server to a standard ERA server, and let people go back to playing appeal-core like they did with the add-on, its already bad enough that petri-raiding exists. The thing is if you want things to be fair, then HC probably isn’t for you, as HC is somewhat like life, it can be fun, painful, exciting, terrifying, but above all. it wont ever be fair, and thats how it should be.


You dont even play hardcore so why are you saying that you didnt get crit errord by the bug when it occured?

You can post with any toon you like as your Avatar. In addition to this toon (70 lock wow classic) I have several 50-60 toons on HC, both Horde and Alliance.

sure you do

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Not that what you think really matters, but here is 1 of many =)

Ok and how exactly were you affected by the crit error bug on alliance side as a horde?

Reading comprehension does not seem to be your strong suit. This must be the your “whining alt” avatar as well.

I was on my HC alliance toon last night, but thanks for the hijack.

Oh sure you were. Your chars definitely look like you put a ton of time into them so it’s very likely that you were online at the time and also were not affected and also don’t want to show your character. Very believable

Smells like Blizzard employee, spouting the same nonsense they are constantly doing while also making the servers more unstable with every week passing.

We didn’t have ONE of these issues playing SoM or Era Hardcore but MULTIPLE on official Hardcore. What changed? Merged Clients and Devs actively working on SoD

Stop wasting time posting on forums and fix the game - or maybe even better, take PTO

I’d jut like to quote myself from another thread

this is so hardcore. i love it.

Blizz said they will never revive the dead no matter what.

cool tip :expressionless:

this :expressionless: HC is a joke already because of the petri exploit

I have started to wonder if WA or some kind of addon is responsible for certain players lag.,.

Lag I have not been experiencing since I discarded all my addons (excluding tidy plates) and I never experience lag.

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I do not use addons either - and I have the same lags as others complaining, so no, that’s not it.

ok then it must be something else, perhaps they have a bad network adaptor at Blizzard HQ.

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yes, i run very minimalistic with my addons and have yet to experience massive lag storms either.